slok Bgq kbIr jIau ky
Shaloks Of Devotee Kabeer Jee:
slok[ mhwrwj sMq kbIr jI dy[
<> siqgur pRswid ]
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
vwihgurU kyvl iek hY[ s`cy gurW dI dieAw duAwrw auh pwieAw jWdw hY[
kbIr myrI ismrnI rsnw aUpir rwmu ]
Kabeer, my rosary is my tongue, upon which the Lord's Name is strung.
kbIr, myrI mwlw myrI jIBHW hY, ijs auqy mYfy mwlk dw nwm hY[
Awid jugwdI sgl Bgq qw ko suKu ibsRwmu ]1]
From the very beginning, and throughout the ages, all the devotees abide in tranquil peace. ||1||
muF kdImW qoN vwihgurU dy smUh sMq, ies dy rwhIN Awrwm qy AwnMd iv`c rhy hn[
kbIr myrI jwiq kau sBu ko hsnyhwru ]
Kabeer, everyone laughs at my social class.
kbIr, myrI jwqI auqy hr koeI hsdw hY[
bilhwrI ies jwiq kau ijh jipE isrjnhwru ]2]
I am a sacrifice to this social class, in which I chant and meditate on the Creator. ||2||
kurbwn hW mYN ies jwq auqoN, ijs iv`c mYN Awpxy krqwr dw ismrn krdw hW[
kbIr fgmg ikAw krih khw fulwvih jIau ]
Kabeer, why do you stumble? Why does your soul waver?
kbIr qUM ifkfoly ikauN KWdw hY?qUM Awpxy mn nUM ikauN iQVkx idMdw hY?
srb sUK ko nwieko rwm nwm rsu pIau ]3]
He is the Lord of all comforts and peace; drink in the Sublime Essence of the Lord's Name. ||3||
suAwmI swirAW AwrwmW dw mwlk hY, ies leI qUM aus dy johr nUM pwn kr[
kbIr kMcn ky kuMfl bny aUpir lwl jVwau ]
Kabeer, earrings made of gold and studded with jewels,
kbIr, jykr sony dIAW murkIAW bxw leIAW jwx Aqy auh jvwihrwq nwl jVIAW hoeIAW hox,
dIsih dwDy kwn ijau ijn@ min nwhI nwau ]4]
look like burnt twigs, if the Name is not in the mind. ||4||
aunHW nUM pwaux vwlw sVy hoey kwny vwgU idsdw hY, jykr aus dy AMqS-krn AMdr nwm nhIN[
kbIr AYsw eyku AwDu jo jIvq imrqku hoie ]
Kabeer, rare is such a person, who remains dead while yet alive.
kbIr, koeI ivrlw hI AYho jyhw purS hY, jo ijauNdy jI mirAw rihMdw hY[
inrBY hoie kY gun rvY jq pyKau qq soie ]5]
Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, he is fearless. Wherever I look, the Lord is there. ||5||
infr ho ky auh Awpxy sweIN dIAW isPqW aucwrwn krdw hY[ ijQy ikqy BI mYN vyKdw hW, auQy hI mYN aus dI r`iKAw krx nUM aus pRBU nUM pwauNdw hW[
kbIr jw idn hau mUAw pwCY BieAw Anµdu ]
Kabeer, on the day when I die, afterwards there shall be bliss.
kbIr, auh idhwVw, jd mYN mrWgw, myry mgro KuSI hovygI[
moih imilE pRBu Awpnw sMgI Bjih guoibMdu ]6]
I shall meet with my Lord God. Those with me shall meditate and vibrate on the Lord of the Universe. ||6||
mYN Awpxy suAwmI nUM iml pvWgw Aqy myry sMgI swQI vI iSRStI dy suAwmI dw ismrn krngy[
kbIr sB qy hm bury hm qij Blo sBu koie ]
Kabeer, I am the worst of all. Everyone else is good.
kbIr, swirAW nwlo mYN hI mMdw hW[ mYnUM Cf ky hor swry cMgy hn[
ijin AYsw kir bUiJAw mIqu hmwrw soie ]7]
Whoever understands this is a friend of mine. ||7||
ijhVw koeI ies qrHW AnuBv krdw hY, kyvl auh hI myrw im`qr hY[
kbIr AweI muJih pih Aink kry kir Bys ]
Kabeer, she came to me in various forms and disguises.
kbIr AnykW ByK Dwr ky, mwieAw myry kol AweI[
hm rwKy gur Awpny auin kIno Awdysu ]8]
My Guru saved me, and now she bows humbly to me. ||8||
myry gurW ny mYnUM bcw ilAw Aqy ausny mYnUM nmSkwr kIqI[
kbIr soeI mwrIAY ijh mUAY suKu hoie ]
Kabeer, kill only that, which, when killed, shall bring peace.
kbIr qUM kyvl aus nUM mwr ijs dI mOq duAwrw qYnUM Awrwm prwpq ho jwvy[
Blo Blo sBu ko khY buro n mwnY koie ]9]
Everyone shall call you good, very good, and no one shall think you are bad. ||9||
qd swry qYnUM cMgw AwKxgy Aqy koeI BI qYnUM mwVw nhIN jwxgy[
kbIr rwqI hovih kwrIAw kwry aUBy jMq ]
Kabeer, the night is dark, and men go about doing their dark deeds.
hy kbIr! jd rwqRIAW kwlIAW huMdIAW hn, kwly AmlW vwly AwdmI auT KVy huMdy hn[
lY Pwhy auiT Dwvqy is jwin mwry BgvMq ]10]
They take the noose and run around; but rest assured that God shall destroy them. ||10||
Awpxy nwl PwhIAW lY ny, auh Bjy iPrdy hn, pRMqU qUM jwx lY ik auh pRBU dy iPtkwry hoey hn[
kbIr cMdn kw ibrvw Blw byiV@E Fwk plws ]
Kabeer, the sandalwood tree is good, even though it is surrounded by weeds.
kbIr, cMgw hY cMnx dw ibrC BwvyN ieh iCCry dy ruKW nwl GyirAw hoieAw hovy[
Eie BI cMdnu hoie rhy bsy ju cMdn pwis ]11]
Those who dwell near the sandalwood tree, become just like the sandalwood tree. ||11||
ijhVy cMnx dy ibrC dy nyVy vsdy hn, auh BI cMnx vrgy ho jWdy hn[
kbIr bWsu bfweI bUifAw ieau mq fUbhu koie ]
Kabeer, the bamboo is drowned in its egotistical pride. No one should drown like this.
kbIr, bWs Awpxy hMkwr AMdr fub igAw hY[ hor koeI jxw ies dI qrHW nW fuby[
cMdn kY inkty bsY bWsu sugMDu n hoie ]12]
Bamboo also dwells near the sandalwood tree, but it does not take up its fragrance. ||12||
bWs cMnx dy ibrvy dy nyVy vsdw hY, pRMqU ieh KuSbUdwr nhIN huMdw[
kbIr dInu gvwieAw dunI isau dunI n cwlI swiQ ]
Kabeer, the mortal loses his faith, for the sake of the world, but the world shall not go along with him in the end.
kbIr, dunIAw dI Kwqr bMdw Awpxw eImwn vM\w lYNdw hY, pRMqU dunIAW aus dy nwl nhIN jWdI[
pwie kuhwVw mwirAw gwPil ApunY hwiQ ]13]
The idiot strikes his own foot with the axe by his own hand. ||13||
byprvwh bMdy ny ies qrHW Awpxy pYr auqy Awpxy hQI kuhwVw mwr ilAw hY[
kbIr jh jh hau iPirE kauqk TwE Twie ]
Kabeer, wherever I go, I see wonders everywhere.
kbIr, ijQy ikqy BI mYN igAw hW, mYN AdBuq njwry hr QW vyKy hn,
iek rwm snyhI bwhrw aUjru myrY BWie ]14]
But without the devotees of the One Lord, it is all wilderness to me. ||14||
pRMqU pRBU dy aupwSkw dy bgYr myry leI sMswr aujwV bIAwbwn hY[
kbIr sMqn kI JuMgIAw BlI BiT kusqI gwau ]
Kabeer, the dwelling of the Saints is good; the dwelling of the unrighteous burns like an oven.
kbIr, cMgI hY swDUAW dI ku`lI B`TI dI mwnMd bldw hY pwpIAW dw ipMf[
Awig lgau iqh Daulhr ijh nwhI hir ko nwau ]15]
Those mansions in which the Lord's Name is not chanted might just as well burn down. ||15||
aunHW mMdrW nUM A`g l`g jwvy, ijnHW iv`c vwihgurU dw nwm nhIN[
kbIr sMq mUey ikAw roeIAY jo Apuny igRih jwie ]
Kabeer, why cry at the death of a Saint? He is just going back to his home.
kbIr swDU dy mrn qy ikauN ivrlwp krIey? auh qW kyvl Awpxy inj dy Gr nUM jw irhw hY[
rovhu swkq bwpury ju hwtY hwt ibkwie ]16]
Cry for the wretched, faithless cynic, who is sold from store to store. ||16||
qUM inkrmx mwieAw dy pujwrI leI ivrlwp kr, jo h`tI h`tI ivkdw iPrdw hY[
kbIr swkqu AYsw hY jYsI lsn kI Kwin ]
Kabeer, the faithless cynic is like a piece of garlic.
kbIr, ijs qrHW dw Qom dI PlI hY, ausy qrHW dw hI hY ADrmI[
kony bYTy KweIAY prgt hoie indwin ]17]
Even if you eat it sitting in a corner, it becomes obvious to everyone. ||17||
BwvyN ienswn ies nUM iek nu`kry bih ky Kwvy, ieh AwKrkwr jwhr ho jWdw hY[
kbIr mwieAw folnI pvnu Jkolnhwru ]
Kabeer, Maya is the butter-churn, and the breath is the churning-stick.
kbIr Dn-dOlq cwtI hY Aqy suAws hY iek mDwxI[
sMqhu mwKnu KwieAw CwiC pIAY sMswru ]18]
The Saints eat the butter, while the world drinks the whey. ||18||
swDU m`KxI KWdy hn Aqy dunIAW l`sI pIdI hY[
kbIr mwieAw folnI pvnu vhY ihv Dwr ]
Kabeer, Maya is the butter-churn; the breath flows like ice water.
kbIr, mwiek-dyh iek cwtI hY ijs iv`c suAws brP dy pwxI dI ndI vWg cldw hY[
ijin ibloieAw iqin KwieAw Avr iblovnhwr ]19]
Whoever does the churning eats the butter; the others are just churning-sticks. ||19||
jo koeI irVkdw hY, auh mKxI Ck lYNdw hY[ mDwxI dI mwnMd hornw nUM kuC BI prwpq nhIN huMdw[
kbIr mwieAw cortI muis muis lwvY hwit ]
Kabeer, Maya is the thief, which breaks in and plunders the store.
kbIr, mohnI cor hY, jo h`tI nUM pwV lw ky lutdI hY[
eyku kbIrw nw musY ijin kInI bwrh bwt ]20]
Only Kabeer is not plundered; he has cut her into twelve pieces. ||20||
kyvl kbIr hI luty puty jwx qoN bicAw hY[ auh hI hY, ijs ny ies dy bwrW toty kr id`qy hn[
kbIr sUKu n eyNh juig krih ju bhuqY mIq ]
Kabeer, peace does not come in this world by making lots of friends.
kbIr, kyvl Gxyry imqR bxwaux duAwrw hI ies jhwn iv`c Awrwm prwpq nhIN ho jWdw[
jo icqu rwKih eyk isau qy suKu pwvih nIq ]21]
Those who keep their consciousness focused on the One Lord shall find eternal peace. ||21||
jo Awpxy mn nUM iek vwihgurU nwl joVI rKdy hn, auh sdw hI Awrwm pwauNdy hn[
kbIr ijsu mrny qy jgu frY myry min Awnµdu ]
Kabeer, the world is afraid of death - that death fills my mind with bliss.
kbIr, ijs mOq kolo dunIAW qihkdI hY, auh myry ic`q nUM KuSI idMdI hY[
mrny hI qy pweIAY pUrnu prmwnµdu ]22]
It is only by death that perfect, supreme bliss is obtained. ||22||
kyvl mr vM\x duAwrw hI pUrI mhwn KuSI prwpq huMdI hY[
rwm pdwrQu pwie kY kbIrw gWiT n Kol@ ]
The Treasure of the Lord is obtained, O Kabeer, but do not undo its knot.
pRBU dI dOlq nUM pw ky, hy kbIr! qUM ies dI g`T nUM KolH nW[
nhI ptxu nhI pwrKU nhI gwhku nhI molu ]23]
There is no market to sell it, no appraiser, no customer, and no price. ||23||
koeI Sihr ies dy vycx leI nhIN, nW koeI prKx vwlw nW koeI KrIdwr hY Aqy nW hI ies dI koeI kImq hY[
kbIr qw isau pRIiq kir jw ko Twkuru rwmu ]
Kabeer, be in love with only that one, whose Master is the Lord.
kbIr qUM kyvl aus nUM ipAwr kr, ijs dw mwlk pRBU hY[
pMifq rwjy BUpqI Awvih kauny kwm ]24]
The Pandits, the religious scholars, kings and landlords - what good is love for them? ||24||
ivdvwn, pwiqSwh Aqy jmInW dy mwlk, ienHW leI ipAwr ikhVy kMm dw hY?
kbIr pRIiq iek isau kIey Awn duibDw jwie ]
Kabeer, when you are in love with the One Lord, duality and alienation depart.
iek pRBU nUM ipAwr krn duAwrw hor sMswrI mmqw dUr ho jWdI hY, hy kbIr!
BwvY lWby kys kru BwvY Grir mufwie ]25]
You may have long hair, or you may shave your head bald. ||25||
koeI muzwiekw nhIN, BwvyN qUM lMmy vwl kr lY, jW BwvyN qUM aunHW nUM rgV ky munvw lY[
kbIr jgu kwjl kI koTrI AMD pry iqs mwih ]
Kabeer, the world is a room filled with black soot; the blind fall into its trap.
kbIr, sMswr inrIpurI iek kwls dI koTVI hY[ kyvl AMnHy ienswn hI ies dy PMDy iv`c Psdy hn[
hau bilhwrI iqn kau pYis ju nIkis jwih ]26]
I am a sacrifice to those who are thrown in, and still escape. ||26||
mYN aunHW auqoN kurbwn vMJdw hW, jo ies iv`c dwKl ho swP suQry inkl jWdy hn[
kbIr iehu qnu jwiegw skhu q lyhu bhoir ]
Kabeer, this body shall perish; save it, if you can.
kbIr iek dyh ny jrUr tur jwxw hY[ jy qUM bcw skdw hY qW qUM ies nUM bcw lY[
nWgy pwvhu qy gey ijn ky lwK kroir ]27]
Even those who have tens of thousands and millions, must depart bare-footed in the end. ||27||
ijnHW kol l`KW Aqy k®oVW sn, auhnUM vI nMgy pYrI jwxw ipAw[
kbIr iehu qnu jwiegw kvnY mwrig lwie ]
Kabeer, this body shall perish; place it on the path.
kbIr, jd ieh dyh clI hI jwxI hY qW qUM ies nUM iksy cMgy rsqy pw[
kY sMgiq kir swD kI kY hir ky gun gwie ]28]
Either join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, or sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||28||
zw qUM sMqW nwl myl-imlwp kr jW Awpxy vwihgurU dIAW isPqW gwien kr[
kbIr mrqw mrqw jgu mUAw mir BI n jwinAw koie ]
Kabeer, dying, dying, the whole world has to die, and yet, none know how to die.
kbIr AwpxI vwrI isr hr iek ny mr jwxw hY, pRMqU iPr vI koeI BI mrnw nhIN jwxdw[
AYsy mrny jo mrY bhuir n mrnw hoie ]29]
Let those who die, die such a death, that they shall never have to die again. ||29||
ijhVw koeI mrdw hY, auh AYho ijhI moqy mry ik auh muV ky mrnw nW pvy[
kbIr mwns jnmu dulµBu hY hoie n bwrY bwr ]
Kabeer, it is so difficult to obtain this human body; it does not just come over and over again.
kbIr muSkl nwl imldw hY mnuSI jnm[ ieh muV muV ky h`Q nhIN l`gdw,
ijau bn Pl pwky Buie igrih bhuir n lwgih fwr ]30]
It is like the ripe fruit on the tree; when it falls to the ground, it cannot be re-attached to the branch. ||30||
ijs qrHW jMgl dw p`ikAw hoieAw myvw jd jmIn qy ifg pYdw hY, muV ky tihxI nwl nhIN juVdw[
kbIrw quhI kbIru qU qyro nwau kbIru ]
Kabeer, you are Kabeer; your name means great.
hy myry vwihgurU! qUM Kud hI ivSwl vwihgurU hY, qy ivSwl hY qyrw nwm[
rwm rqnu qb pweIAY jau pihly qjih srIru ]31]
O Lord, You are Kabeer. The Jewel of the Lord is obtained, when the mortal first gives up his body. ||31||
jd bMdw pihlW AwpxI dyh dI hMgqw nUM Cf idMdw hY, kyvl qd hI auh pRBU dy hIry nUM pRwpq huMdw hY[
kbIr JMKu n JMKIAY qumro kihE n hoie ]
Kabeer, do not struggle in stubborn pride; nothing happens just because you say so.
kbIr qUM byhudw bkvws nW kr[ qyry AwK kuJ BI nhIN hoxw[
krm krIm ju kir rhy myit n swkY koie ]32]
No one can erase the actions of the Merciful Lord. ||32||
koeI jxw BI aus kMm nUM myt nhIN skdw, ijs nUM imhrbwn mwlk kr irhw hY[
kbIr ksautI rwm kI JUTw itkY n koie ]
Kabeer, no one who is false can withstand the Touchstone of the Lord.
kbIr, koeI jxw, jo kUVw hY, pRBU dI Gsv`tI auqy Tihr nhIN skdw[
rwm ksautI so shY jo mir jIvw hoie ]33]
He alone can pass the test of the Lord's Touchstone, who remains dead while yet alive. ||33||
kyvl auh hI pRBU dI AoKI pRIiKAw qy pUrw auqr skdw hY jo jIauNdy jI mirAw rihMdw hY[
kbIr aUjl pihrih kwpry pwn supwrI Kwih ]
Kabeer, some wear gaudy robes, and chew betel leaves and betel nuts.
kbIr pRwxI BVkIly kpVy pwauNdy hn Aqy pwn-bIVy Aqy supwrIAW KWdy hn[
eyks hir ky nwm ibnu bwDy jm puir jWih ]34]
Without the Name of the One Lord, they are bound and gagged and taken to the City of Death. ||34||
pRMqU iek vwihgurU dy nwm dy bgYr, auh nrV ky Xm dy Sihr nUM lY jwey jWdy hn[
kbIr byVw jrjrw PUty CyNk hjwr ]
Kabeer, the boat is old, and it has thousands of holes.
kbIr, purwxw hY jhwj Aqy ies iv`c hjwrw hI morIAW ho geIAW hn[
hrUey hrUey iqir gey fUby ijn isr Bwr ]35]
Those who are light get across, while those who carry the weight of their sins on their heads are drowned. ||35||
ijhVy haUny hauny hn, auh pwr lMG jWdy hn Aqy ijnHW dy mUMf auqy boJ hY, auh fub gey hn[
kbIr hwf jry ijau lwkrI kys jry ijau Gwsu ]
Kabeer, the bones burn like wood, and the hair burns like straw.
kbIr, h`fIAW l`kVW dI qrHW bldIAW hn Aqy vwl Gw dI qrHW bldy hn[
iehu jgu jrqw dyiK kY BieE kbIru audwsu ]36]
Seeing the world burning like this, Kabeer has become sad. ||36||
ies jhwn nUM ies qrHW bldw vyK, kbIr gmgIn ho igAw hY[
kbIr grbu n kIjIAY cwm lpyty hwf ]
Kabeer, do not be so proud of your bones wrapped up in skin.
kbIr, qUM K`l AMdr lpytIAW hoeIAW AwpxIAW h`fIAW dw hMkwr nW kr[
hYvr aUpir CqR qr qy Puin DrnI gwf ]37]
Those who were on their horses and under their canopies, were eventually buried under the ground. ||37||
jo GoiVAW dy auqy Aqy CqrW dy hyTW sn, auh AMq nUM DrqI hyTW db idqy gey[
kbIr grbu n kIjIAY aUcw dyiK Avwsu ]
Kabeer, do not be so proud of your tall mansions.
kbIr qUM Awpxy aucy mMdr vyK ky hMkwr nW kr[
Awju kwil@ Buie lytxw aUpir jwmY Gwsu ]38]
Today or tomorrow, you shall lie beneath the ground, and the grass shall grow above you. ||38||
A`j jW Blky qUM DrqI dy hyTw ipAw hovygw A`j qyry auqy Gw augUgw[
kbIr grbu n kIjIAY rMku n hsIAY koie ]
Kabeer, do not be so proud, and do not laugh at the poor.
kbIr qUM hMkwr nW kr nW hI koeI jxw kMgwl dI hwsI aufwvy[
Ajhu su nwau smuMdR mih ikAw jwnau ikAw hoie ]39]
Your boat is still out at sea; who knows what will happen? ||39||
Ajy byVI swgr iv`c hY[ kOx jwxdw hY kI bx jwvy?
kbIr grbu n kIjIAY dyhI dyiK surMg ]
Kabeer, do not be so proud, looking at your beautiful body.
kbIr qUM Awpxy suMdr srIr nUM vyK ky hMkwr nW kr[
Awju kwil@ qij jwhugy ijau kWcurI BuXMg ]40]
Today or tomorrow, you will have to leave it behind, like the snake shedding its skin. ||40||
qUM A`j jw Blky s`p dI AwpxI kuMj lwh su`tx dI mwnMd ies nUM Cf jwvygw[
kbIr lUtnw hY q lUit lY rwm nwm hY lUit ]
Kabeer, if you must rob and plunder, then plunder the plunder of the Lord's Name.
kbIr, jykr qUM lutmwr kr skdw hY qW qUM vwihgurU dy nwm dI lut mwr kr[
iPir pwCY pCuqwhugy pRwn jwihMgy CUit ]41]
Otherwise, in the world hereafter, you will regret and repent, when the breath of life leaves the body. ||41||
nhIN qW jd qyrI Awqmw ny qyrI dyh nUM iqAwg id`qw qUM mgro pScwqwp krygw[
kbIr AYsw koeI n jnimE ApnY Gir lwvY Awig ]
Kabeer, there is no one born, who burns his own home,
kbIr AYho jyhw koeI vI nhIN jMimAw, jo Awpxy ilj dy Jugy nUM A`g lw dyvy,
pWcau lirkw jwir kY rhY rwm ilv lwig ]42]
and burning his five sons, remains lovingly attuned to the Lord. ||42||
Aqy jo Awpxy pMjW puqrW nUM swV bwl ky kyvl pRBU nwl iprhVI pweI rKy[
ko hY lirkw byceI lirkI bycY koie ]
Kabeer, how rare are those who sell their son and sell their daughter
kI koeI AYho jyhw hY, jo Awpxy pu`qr nUM vyc dyvy Aqy jo AwpxI puqRI nUM vyc dyvy,
swJw krY kbIr isau hir sMig bnju kryie ]43]
and, entering into partnership with Kabeer, deal with the Lord. ||43||
Aqy kbIr nwl BweIvwlI pw ky, kyvl vwihgurU nwl hI vwpwr kry[
kbIr ieh cyqwvnI mq shsw rih jwie ]
Kabeer, let me remind you of this. Do not be skeptical or cynical.
kbIr, mYN qYnUM ieh cyqw krwauNdw hW[ qUM iksy Sk SuBy AMdr nW v`s[
pwCY Bog ju Bogvy iqn ko guVu lY Kwih ]44]
Those pleasures which you enjoyed so much in the past - now you must eat their fruits. ||44||
ijhfy Aml qUM ipCy kmwey hn, ieh aunHW dw hI Pl hY, jo qUM hux Bugdqw hY[
kbIr mY jwinE piVbo Blo piVby isau Bl jogu ]
Kabeer, at first, I thought learning was good; then I thought Yoga was better.
kbIr jI kihMdy hn pihlW mYN iKAwl kIqw ik ielm cMgw hY, iPr mYN Xog nUM aus nwlo cMgw iKAwl kIqw[
Bgiq n Cwfau rwm kI BwvY inMdau logu ]45]
I shall never abandon devotional worship of the Lord, even though people may slander me. ||45||
pr mYN hux pRBU dI ipAwrI-aupwSnw nUM nhIN Cfdw, BwvyN lok myrI bdKoeI pey krn[
kbIr logu ik inMdY bpuVw ijh min nwhI igAwnu ]
Kabeer, how can the wretched people slander me? They have no wisdom or intelligence.
kbIr ivcwry lok, ijnHW dy ic`q AMdr pRBU dI igAwq nhIN, iks qrHW mYnUM duSx lw skdy hn?
rwm kbIrw riv rhy Avr qjy sB kwm ]46]
Kabeer continues to dwell upon the Lord's Name; I have abandoned all other affairs. ||46||
hor swry sMswrI kMm Cf ky, kbIr pRBU dy nwm dw aucwrn kr irhw hY[
kbIr prdysI kY GwGrY chu idis lwgI Awig ]
Kabeer, the robe of the stranger-soul has caught fire on all four sides.
kbIr, bdySI dy Ggry nUM cwrI pwsI A`g l`g geI hY[
iKMQw jil koielw BeI qwgy AWc n lwg ]47]
The cloth of the body has been burnt and reduced to charcoal, but the fire did not touch the thread of the soul. ||47||
dyh sV ky kolW bx geI hY, pRMqU Awqmw dy Dwgy nUM A`g CUhI qk nhIN[
kbIr iKMQw jil koielw BeI Kwpru PUt mPUt ]
Kabeer, the cloth has been burnt and reduced to charcoal, and the begging bowl is shattered into pieces.
kbIr KPnI sV bl ky kolw bx geI hY Aqy mMgx vwlw TUTw pUrI qrHW tut igAw hY[
jogI bpuVw KyilE Awsin rhI ibBUiq ]48]
The poor Yogi has played out his game; only ashes remain on his seat. ||48||
grIbVw XogI AwpxI Kyl Kyf igAw hY Aqy aus dy bihx-sQwn qy kyvl suAwh hI rih geI hY[
kbIr QorY jil mwCulI JIvir myilE jwlu ]
Kabeer, the fish is in the shallow water; the fisherman has cast his net.
kbIr m`CI QoVHy pwxI iv`c hY Aqy mwhIgIr Awpxw jwl Aw pwauNdw hY[
ieh toGnY n CUtsih iPir kir smuMdu sm@wil ]49]
You shall not escape this little pool; think about returning to the ocean. ||49||
qyrw iek Coty jyhy toey AMdr Cutkwrw nhIN hoxw, nI mCIey! qYnUM muV ky smuMdr iv`c vwps jwx dw iKAwl krnw cwhIdw hY[
kbIr smuMdu n CofIAY jau Aiq Kwro hoie ]
Kabeer, do not leave the ocean, even if it is very salty.
kbIr qUM smuMdr nUM nW Cf, BwvyN ieh bhuq hI slUxw hovy[
poKir poKir FUFqy Blo n kihhY koie ]50]
If you poke around searching from puddle to puddle, no one will call you smart. ||50||
jykr qUM pnwh leI qpV CpV lBdw iPrygW, iksy ny vI qYnUM isAwxw nhIN AwKxw[
kbIr ingusWeyN bih gey QWGI nwhI koie ]
Kabeer, those who have no guru are washed away. No one can help them.
kbIr, jo gurU-ivhux hn, auh ruVH gey hn[ koeI kI aunHW nUM bcwaux vwlw nhIN[
dIn grIbI AwpunI krqy hoie su hoie ]51]
Be meek and humble; whatever happens is what the Creator Lord does. ||51||
qUM Awpxy vlo hlImI Aqy inMmrqw nwl vwihgurU dI pnwh lY[ iPr jo kuC krqw purK krdw hY auh hox dy[
kbIr bYsnau kI kUkir BlI swkq kI burI mwie ]
Kabeer, even the dog of a devotee is good, while the mother of the faithless cynic is bad.
kbIr, cMgI hY suAwmI dy swDU dI ku`qI vI Aqy mwVI hY ADrmI dI mW[
Eh inq sunY hir nwm jsu auh pwp ibswhn jwie ]52]
The dog hears the Praises of the Lord's Name, while the other is engaged in sin. ||52||
ies leI ikauNik auh ku`qI sdw hI vwihgurU dy nwm dI kIrqI suxdI hY Aqy ADrmI dI mW gunwhW dw vpwr krdI hY[
kbIr hrnw dUblw iehu hrIAwrw qwlu ]
Kabeer, the deer is weak, and the pool is lush with green vegetation.
kbIr, kmjor hY mnuS-imrg Aqy ieh sMswr dw qwlwb hirAwvl (mwieAw) nwl GyirAw hoieAw hY[
lwK AhyrI eyku jIau kyqw bMcau kwlu ]53]
Thousands of hunters are chasing after the soul; how long can it escape death? ||53||
llUKW hI iSkwrI iek jIv mgr l`gy hoey hn[ ikMny icr qWeI ieh mOq qoN bc skdw hY?
kbIr gMgw qIr ju Gru krih pIvih inrml nIru ]
Kabeer, some make their homes on the banks of the Ganges, and drink pure water.
kbIr, jo gMgw dy iknwry qy Awpxw gRih bxw lYNdy hn Aqy piv`qr pwxI pIdy hn,
ibnu hir Bgiq n mukiq hoie ieau kih rmy kbIr ]54]
Without devotional worship of the Lord, they are not liberated. Kabeer proclaims this. ||54||
aunHW dI vI suAwmI dy ismrn bgYr kilAwx nhIN huMdI[ kbIr ieh Atl sicAweI kihMdw hY[
kbIr mnu inrmlu BieAw jYsw gMgw nIru ]
Kabeer, my mind has become immaculate, like the waters of the Ganges.
kbIr, myrw ic`q gMgw dy pwxI dI mwnMd pwvn punIq ho igAw hY[
pwCY lwgo hir iPrY khq kbIr kbIr ]55]
The Lord follows after me, calling, "Kabeer! Kabeer!"||55||
kbIr, hy myry kbIr, AwKdw hoieAw pRBU myry mgr quirAw iPrdw hY[
kbIr hrdI pIArI cUMnW aUjl Bwie ]
Kabeer, tumeric is yelow, and lime is white.
kbIr, pIlI hY hldI Aqy ic`tw hY rMg cUny dw[
rwm snyhI qau imlY donau brn gvwie ]56]
You shall meet the Beloved Lord, only when both colors are lost. ||56||
kyvl qd hI ipAwrw pRBU imldw hY, jd dono hI rMg dUr ho jWdy hn[
kbIr hrdI pIrqnu hrY cUn ichnu n rhwie ]
Kabeer, tumeric has lost its yellow color, and no trace of lime's whiteness remains.
kbIr, hldI dI ipl`qx clI jWdI hY Aqy klI dy ic`tpx dw inSwn qd nhIN rihMdw[
bilhwrI ieh pRIiq kau ijh jwiq brnu kulu jwie ]57]
I am a sacrifice to this love, by which social class and status, color and ancestry are taken away. ||57||
kurbwn hW mYN ies iprhVI auqoN, ijs duAwrw jwqI, goq Aqy vMS imt jWdy hn[
kbIr mukiq duAwrw sMkurw rweI dseyN Bwie ]
Kabeer, the door of liberation is very narrow, less than the width of a mustard seed.
kbIr, qMg hY kilAwx dw drvwjw[ iesdI cuVweI sro dy dwxy dw dsvW ih`sw hY[
mnu qau mYglu hoie rihE inkso ikau kY jwie ]58]
Your mind is larger than an elephant; how will it pass through? ||58||
qyrw mnUAw hwQI dI qrHW v`fw hoieAw hoieAw hY[ ieh iks qrHW iv`c dI lMG skdw hY?
kbIr AYsw siqguru jy imlY quTw kry pswau ]
Kabeer, if I meet such a True Guru, who mercifully blesses me with the gift,
jykr mYN AYho jyhy s`cy gurW nUM iml pvW, jo imhrbwn ho ky mYnUM iesdI dwq bKSy,
mukiq duAwrw moklw shjy Awvau jwau ]59]
then the door of liberation will open wide for me, and I will easily pass through. ||59||
qd kilAwx dw drvwjw KulHw ho jwvygw Aqy mYN suKYn hI ies ivcdI lMG jwvWgw hy kbIr[
kbIr nw muoih Cwin n CwprI nw muoih Gru nhI gwau ]
Kabeer, I have no hut or hovel, no house or village.
kbIr myry kol Cpr nhIN, nW hI koeI ku`lI hY[ myry kol nW Jugw hY nW ipMf[
mq hir pUCY kaunu hY myry jwiq n nwau ]60]
I hope that the Lord will not ask who I am. I have no social status or name. ||60||
myrw koeI vrn Aqy nwm nhIN Aqy suAwmI ny puCxw hI nhIN ik mYN kOx hW[
kbIr muih mrny kw cwau hY mrau q hir kY duAwr ]
Kabeer, I long to die; let me die at the Lord's Door.
kbIr, mYnUM mrn dI qIbr cwhlw hY, pr jd vI mYN mrW qW pRBU dy bUhy qy mrW[
mq hir pUCY kaunu hY prw hmwrY bwr ]61]
I hope that the Lord does not ask, "Who is this, lying at my door?"||61||
kwS! vwihgurU ieh nW puC "ieh ikhVw pRwxI hY jo myry bUhy qy ipAw hY?
kbIr nw hm kIAw n krihgy nw kir skY srIru ]
Kabeer, I have not done anything; I shall not do anything; my body cannot do anything.
kbIr, ieh mYN nhIN kIqw, nW mYN ies nUM krWgw nW hI myrI dyh ies nUM kr skdI hY[
ikAw jwnau ikCu hir kIAw BieE kbIru kbIru ]62]
I do not know what the Lord has done, but the call has gone out: "Kabeer, Kabeer."||62||
mYN kI jwxdw hW ik myry pRBU ny kI kIqw hY, ik swry hI kbIr, kbIr dw js ho irhw hY[
kbIr supnY hU brVwie kY ijh muiK inksY rwmu ]
Kabeer, if someone utters the Name of the Lord even in dreams,
kbIr, ijs dy mUMh ivcoN aus dy suPny dy burVwaux AMdr vI pRBU dw nwm inkldw hY[
qw ky pg kI pwnhI myry qn ko cwmu ]63]
I would make my skin into shoes for his feet. ||63||
kwS! myrI dyh dI Kl aus dy pYrW dI ju`qI ho jwvy[
kbIr mwtI ky hm pUqry mwnsu rwiKEu nwau ]
Kabeer, we are puppets of clay, but we take the name of mankind.
kbIr, AsIN im`tI dIAW gufIAW hW Aqy swfw nwm AwdmI DirAw hoieAw hY[
cwir idvs ky pwhuny bf bf rUMDih Twau ]64]
We are guests here for only a few days, but we take up so much space. ||64||
BwvyN AsIN ieQy kyvl chuM idnW dy pRwhuxy hW, qW vI AsIN ieQy bhuq QW ml lYNdy hW[
kbIr mihdI kir GwilAw Awpu pIswie pIswie ]
Kabeer, I have made myself into henna, and I grind myself into powder.
kbIr mYN Awpxy Awp nUM mihMdI bxw ilAw hY Aqy Awpxy Awp nUM cMgI qrHW pIh ilAw hY[
qY sh bwq n pUCIAY kbhu n lweI pwie ]65]
But You, O my Husband Lord, have not asked about me; You have never applied me to Your Feet. ||65||
pr qUM hy kMq! myrI qW puCigC hI nhIN kIqI Aqy kdy BI mYnUM Awpxy pYrW nUM nhIN lwieAw[
kbIr ijh dir Awvq jwiqAhu htkY nwhI koie ]
Kabeer, that door, through which people never stop coming and going
kbIr auh bUhw, ijs qy Awaux Aqy jwx qoN koeI rokdw nhIN,
so dru kYsy CofIAY jo dru AYsw hoie ]66]
- how can I leave such a door as that? ||66||
mYN aus bUhy nUM iks qrHW Cf skdw hW ijhVw AYho jyhI iksm dw hY[
kbIr fUbw Qw pY aubirE gun kI lhir Jbik ]
Kabeer, I was drowning, but the waves of virtue saved me in an instant.
kbIr mYN fub irhw sW, pRMqU nykIAW dy qRMg ny mYnUM qurMq hI bcw ilAw[
jb dyiKE byVw jrjrw qb auqir pirE hau Prik ]67]
When I saw that my boat was rotten, then I immediately got out. ||67||
jd mYN jhwj nUM bOdw purwxw vyiKAw, qW mYN Jtpt hI hyTW auqr AwieAw[
kbIr pwpI Bgiq n BwveI hir pUjw n suhwie ]
Kabeer, the sinner does not like devotion to the Lord; he does not appreciate worship.
kbIr, gunhgwr sweIN dy ismrn nUM ipAwr nhIN krdw Aqy aus nUM r`b dI aupwSnw cMgI nhIN l`gdI,
mwKI cMdnu prhrY jh ibgMD qh jwie ]68]
The fly abandons the sandalwood tree, and goes after the rotten smell. ||68||
ikauNik m`KI cMdn nUM Cf idMdI hY Aqy auQy jWdI hY, ijQy mMdw muSk hY[
kbIr bYdu mUAw rogI mUAw mUAw sBu sMswru ]
Kabeer, the physician is dead, and the patient is dead; the whole world is dead.
kbIr hkIm mr igAw hY, bImwr mr igAw hY Aqy mr igAw hY swrw jhwn[
eyku kbIrw nw mUAw ijh nwhI rovnhwru ]69]
Only Kabeer is not dead; there is no one to mourn for him. ||69||
iek`lw kbIr hI nhIN mirAw ijs nUM rOx vwlw BI koeI nhIN[
kbIr rwmu n iDAwieE motI lwgI Koir ]
Kabeer, I have not meditated on the Lord; such is the bad habit I have developed.
kbIr, pRwxI pRBU dw ismrn nhIN krdw[ AYho jyhI BwrI BYVI vwdI aus nUM icmVI hoeI hY[
kwieAw hWfI kwT kI nw Eh crHY bhoir ]70]
The body is a wooden pot; it cannot be put back on the fire. ||70||
dyh lkVI dI qoVI hY[ ieh muV ky A`g qy nhIN cVH skdI[
kbIr AYsI hoie prI mn ko Bwvqu kInu ]
Kabeer, it came to pass, that I did whatever I pleased.
kbIr, ies qrHW hoieAw hY ik mYN auh kuC kIqw hY, ijhVw myry ic`q nUM cMgw lgdw hY[
mrny qy ikAw frpnw jb hwiQ isDaurw lIn ]71]
Why should I be afraid of death? I have invited death for myself. ||71||
jd mYN Awpxy h`Q iv`c sMDUr hI PV ilAw hY, qW mYN hux mrn qoN ikauN BY krW?
kbIr rs ko gWfo cUsIAY gun kau mrIAY roie ]
Kabeer, the mortals suck at the sugar cane, for the sake of the sweet juice. They should work just as hard for virtue.
kbIr, ienswn ijs qrHW imTy rhu dI Kwqr gMny nUM cupdw hY, eysy qrHW hI aus nUM nykI dy leI sKq koiSS krnI cwhIdI hY[
AvgunIAwry mwnsY Blo n kihhY koie ]72]
The person who lacks virtue - no one calls him good. ||72||
nykI-ivhUx ienswn, aus nUM koeI BI cMgw nhIN AwKdw[
kbIr gwgir jl BrI Awju kwil@ jYhY PUit ]
Kabeer, the pitcher is full of water; it will break, today or tomorrow.
kbIr, GVw pwxI nwl BirAw hoieAw hY[ A`j jW Blky ieh tut jwaugw[
guru ju n cyqih Awpno AD mwiJ lIjihgy lUit ]73]
Those who do not remember their Guru, shall be plundered on the way. ||73||
jo Awpxy gurdyv jI dw ismrn nhIN krdy, auh ADvwty hI luty puty jwxgy[
kbIr kUkru rwm ko muqIAw myro nwau ]
Kabeer, I am the Lord's dog; Moti is my name.
kbIr, mYN pRBU dw ku`qw hW Aqy myrw nwm moqI hY[
gly hmwry jyvrI jh iKMcY qh jwau ]74]
There is a chain around my neck; wherever I am pulled, I go. ||74||
myrI grdn audwly sMglI hY, ijDr hI mYnUM iKicAw jWdw hY, auDr nUM hI mYN jWdw hW[
kbIr jpnI kwT kI ikAw idKlwvih loie ]
Kabeer, why do you show other people your rosary beads?
kbIr, qUM AwpxI lkV dI mwlw lokW nUM ikauN ivKwldw hY?
ihrdY rwmu n cyqhI ieh jpnI ikAw hoie ]75]
You do not remember the Lord in your heart, so what use is this rosary to you? ||75||
qUM Awpxy mn AMdr Awpxy suAwmI dw ismrn nhIN krdw[ ieh mwlw dw qYnUM kI lwB hY?
kbIr ibrhu BuXMgmu min bsY mMqu n mwnY koie ]
Kabeer, the snake of separation from the Lord abides within my mind; it does not respond to any mantra.
kbIr, swihb nwlo ivCoVy dw srp myry ic`q AMdr vsdw hY Aqy ieh iksy jwdU tUxy nUM nhIN mMndw[
rwm ibEgI nw jIAY jIAY q baurw hoie ]76]
One who is separated from the Lord does not live; if he does live, he goes insane. ||76||
jo Awpxy swihb nwlo ivCuiVAw hY, auh jIauNdw nhIN rihMdw[ jy auh jIauNdw rhy qW auh SudweI ho jWdw hY[
kbIr pwrs cMdnY iqn@ hY eyk sugMD ]
Kabeer, the philosopher's stone and sandalwood oil have the same good quality.
kbIr, guxI p`Qr Aqy cMnx, aunHW iv`c ieko jhI cMgI KUbI hY[
iqh imil qyaU aUqm Bey loh kwT inrgMD ]77]
Whatever comes into contact with them is uplifted. Iron is transformed into gold, and ordinary wood becomes fragrant. ||77||
aunHW nwl jo vI iml pYdw hY auh SRySt QI vM\dw hY[ lohw sonw ho jWdw hY Aqy bymihk l`kV KuSbodwr QI vM\dI hY[
kbIr jm kw TyNgw burw hY Ehu nhI sihAw jwie ]
Kabeer, Death's club is terrible; it cannot be endured.
kbIr, mwVw hY mOq dw sotw, auh shwirAw nhIN jw skdw[
eyku ju swDU muoih imilE iqin@ lIAw AMcil lwie ]78]
I have met with the holy man; he has attached me to the hem of his robe. ||78||
mYnUM iek sMq iml ipAw hY Aqy aus ny mYnUM Awpxy p`ly nwl joV ilAw hY[
kbIr bYdu khY hau hI Blw dwrU myrY vis ]
Kabeer, the physician says that he alone is good, and all the medicine is under his control.
kbIr, hkIm AwKdw hY, "kyvl mYN hI cMgw hW[ swrIAW dvweIAW myry ieKiqAwr iv`c hn[
ieh qau bsqu gupwl kI jb BwvY lyie Kis ]79]
But these things belong to the Lord; He takes them away whenever He wishes. ||79||
pRMqU, ieh cIz pRBU dI mlkIAq hY[ jd aus nUM cMgw lgdw hY, auh ies nUM Koh lYNdw hY[
kbIr naubiq AwpnI idn ds lyhu bjwie ]
Kabeer, take your drum and beat it for ten days.
kbIr, Awpo Awpxw Fol lY ky BwvyN koeI ds idhwVy bjw lvy[
ndI nwv sMjog ijau bhuir n imlhY Awie ]80]
Life is like people meeting on a boat on a river; they shall not meet again. ||80||
ieh dunIAW dirAw dI byVI auqy purSW dy imlwp dI mwnMd hY, jo muV ky nhIN imlxy[
kbIr swq smuMdih msu krau klm krau bnrwie ]
Kabeer, if I could change the seven seas into ink and make all the vegetation my pen,
kbIr, jykr s`qW smuMdrW nUM mYN AwpdI isAwhI bxw lvW, swrI bnwspqI nUM AwpxI lyKxI bxw lvW,
bsuDw kwgdu jau krau hir jsu ilKnu n jwie ]81]
and the earth my paper, even then, I could not write the Praises of the Lord. ||81||
Aqy DrqI nUM Awpxw kwgj kr lvW, qW BI mYN vwihguru dIAW isPqW ilK nhIN skdw[
kbIr jwiq julwhw ikAw krY ihrdY bsy gupwl ]
Kabeer, what can my lowly status as a weaver do to me? The Lord dwells in my heart.
kbIr, myrI julwhy dI jwqI myrw kI nukswn kr skdI hY, jd ik pRBU myry ic`q iv`c vsdw hY?
kbIr rmeIAw kMiT imlu cUkih srb jMjwl ]82]
Kabeer, the Lord hugs me close in His Embrace; I have forsaken all my entanglements. ||82||
kbIr, ivAwpk vwihgurU ny mYnU j`PI pw leI hY Aqy swry puAwVy muk gey hn[
kbIr AYsw ko nhI mMdru dyie jrwie ]
Kabeer, will anyone set fire to his home
kbIr, AYho jyhw koeI purS nhIN, jo Awpxy mihl nUM A`g lw dyvy[
pWcau lirky mwir kY rhY rwm ilau lwie ]83]
and kill his five sons (the five thieves) to remain lovingly attached to the Lord? ||83||
Awpxy pMjW puqrW nUM mwr ky auh Awpxy pRBU nwl pRIq pweI rKdw hY[
kbIr AYsw ko nhI iehu qnu dyvY PUik ]
Kabeer, will anyone burn his own body?
kbIr AYho jyhw koeI ienswn nhIN, jo AwpxI ies dyh nUM A`g lw dyvy[
AMDw logu n jwneI rihE kbIrw kUik ]84]
The people are blind - they do not know, although Kabeer continues to shout at them. ||84||
AMnHw ienswn Awpxy pRBU nUM AnuBv nhIN krdw, BwvyN kbIr aus nUM duhweI dyeI jw irhw hY[
kbIr sqI pukwrY ich cVI sunu ho bIr mswn ]
Kabeer, the widow mounts the funeral pyre and cries out, "Listen, O brother funeral pyre.
icKw auqy cVI hoeI pqnI kUkdI hY, "hy ies SmSwn-BUmI iv`c Awey hoey myry Brwau! suxo,
logu sbwieAw cil gieE hm qum kwmu indwn ]85]
All people must depart in the end; it is only you and I."||85||
swry purS tur gey hn, AKIr nUM myry Aqy quhwfy kMm dI cIj suAwmI dw ismrn hI hY"[
kbIr mnu pMKI BieE auif auif dh ids jwie ]
Kabeer, the mind has become a bird; it soars and flies in the ten directions.
kbIr, mnUAw pMCI dI inAweI ho igAw hY, auf auf ky ieh dsI pwsI jWdw hY[
jo jYsI sMgiq imlY so qYso Plu Kwie ]86]
According to the company it keeps, so are the fruits it eats. ||86||
jyho jyhI suhbq AMdr ieh juVdw hY, auho jyhw hI myvw ieh KWdw hY[
kbIr jw kau Kojqy pwieE soeI Tauru ]
Kabeer, you have found that place which you were seeking.
kbIr qUM auh AsQwn prwpq kr ilAw hY, ijs nUM qUM FUfdw iPrdw sYN[
soeI iPir kY qU BieAw jw kau khqw Aauru ]87]
You have become that which you thought was separate from yourself. ||87||
qUM Kud hI bdl ky auh QI igAw hY, ijs nUM qUM Awpxy nwlo vKrw iKAwl krdw sY[
kbIr mwrI mrau kusMg kI kyly inkit ju byir ]
Kabeer, I have been ruined and destroyed by bad company, like the banana plant near the thorn bush.
kbIr, aus byrI dI mwnMd hY jo koly dy nyVy huMdI hY mYnUM burI suhbq ny qbwh qy brbwd kr id`qw hY[
auh JUlY auh cIrIAY swkq sMgu n hyir ]88]
The thorn bush waves in the wind, and pierces the banana plant; see this, and do not associate with the faithless cynics. ||88||
auh mgrlI JUmdI hY Aqy auh pihlw aus dy kMifAw dy nwl cIirAW jWdw hY[ ies leI qUM pwpI dI suhbq nUM dyK qk nW[
kbIr Bwr prweI isir crY cilE cwhY bwt ]
Kabeer, the mortal wants to walk on the path, carrying the load of others' sins on his head.
kbIr hornw dy pwpW dw boJ Awpxy muMf auqy cuk ky, bMdw mwrg qy turnw cwhuMdw hY[
Apny Bwrih nw frY AwgY AauGt Gwt ]89]
He is not afraid of his own load of sins; the road ahead shall be difficult and treacherous. ||89||
auh Awpxy inj dy pwpW dy boJ dw BY nhIN krdw! Aglyrw mwrg qurn nUM kTn hY[
kbIr bn kI dwDI lwkrI TwFI krY pukwr ]
Kabeer, the forest is burning; the tree standing in it is crying out,
kbIr, jMgl dw Kloqw hoieAw ru`K, jo bl (sV) irhw hY, kUkdw hY[
miq bis prau luhwr ky jwrY dUjI bwr ]90]
"Do not let me fall into the hands of the blacksmith, who would burn me a second time."||90||
mY ikDry luhwr dy ieKiqAwr iv`c nW Aw jwvW, jo mYnUM dUjI vwrI swV sutygw[
kbIr eyk mrMqy duie mUey doie mrMqh cwir ]
Kabeer, when one died, two were dead. When two died, four were dead.
kbIr, iek dI mOq nwl, do mr gey Aqy dohW dI mOq nwl, cwr[
cwir mrMqh Ch mUey cwir purK duie nwir ]91]
When four died, six were dead, four males and two females. ||91||
chuM dI mOq nwl, Cy mr gey, cwr nr Aqy do mdInW[
kbIr dyiK dyiK jgu FUMiFAw khUM n pwieAw Tauru ]
Kabeer, I have seen and observed, and searched all over the world, but I have found no place of rest anywhere.
kbIr mYN sMswr nUM vyK vwK Aqy Bwl ilAw hY, pRMqU mYnUM ikDry BI Awrwm dI QW nhIN lBI[
ijin hir kw nwmu n cyiqE khw Bulwny Aaur ]92]
Those who do not remember the Lord's Name - why do they delude themselves in other pursuits? ||92||
jo Awpxy vwihgurU dy nwm nUM nhIN ismrdy, auh hornw ivhwrW AMdr ikauN Btkdy hn?
kbIr sMgiq krIAY swD kI AMiq krY inrbwhu ]
Kabeer, associate with the Holy people, who will take you to Nirvaanaa in the end.
kbIr, qUM kyvl sMq nwl hI myl-imlwp kr, jo AKIr nUM qyrI kilAwx kr dyaugw[
swkq sMgu n kIjIAY jw qy hoie ibnwhu ]93]
Do not associate with the faithless cynics; they would bring you to ruin. ||93||
qUM mwieAw dy aupwSk nwl myl imlwp nW kr, ijs dy rwhIN qyrI brbwdI ho jwvygI[
kbIr jg mih cyiqE jwin kY jg mih rihE smwie ]
Kabeer, I contemplate the Lord in the world; I know that He is permeating the world.
kbIr, suAwmI nUM sMswr AMdr rimAw hoieAw AnuBv kr, mYN ies sMswr AMdr aus dw ismrn krdw hW[
ijn hir kw nwmu n cyiqE bwdih jnmyN Awie ]94]
Those who do not contemplate the Name of the Lord - their birth into this world is useless. ||94||
jo vwihgurU dy nwm dw AwrwDn nhIN krdy, auh ies jg AMdr ivArQ hI jMmy hn[
kbIr Awsw krIAY rwm kI AvrY Aws inrws ]
Kabeer, place your hopes in the Lord; other hopes lead to despair.
kbIr qUM kyvl pRBU auqy hI aumYd bMnH[ hor swrIAW aumYdW inrwsqw vl lY jWdIAW hn[
nrik prih qy mwneI jo hir nwm audws ]95]
Those who dissociate themselves from the Lord's Name - when they fall into hell, then they will appreciate its value. ||95||
jo hrI dy nwm nUM iqAwgdy hn, auh ies dI kdr nUM audoN AnuBv krngy, jd auh dOjk iv`c pYxgy[
kbIr isK swKw bhuqy kIey kyso kIE n mIqu ]
Kabeer has made many students and disciples, but he has not made God his friend.
kbIr ny cyny cwtVy Gxyry bxw ley hn, pRMqU vwihgurU nUM aus ny Awpdw imqr nhIN bxwieAw[
cwly Qy hir imln kau bIcY AtikE cIqu ]96]
He set out on a journey to meet the Lord, but his consciousness failed him half-way. ||96||
auh Awpxy vwihgurU nUM imlx leI quirAw sI, pr aus dw mn AD-vwhy hI Aitk igAw!
kbIr kwrnu bpurw ikAw krY jau rwmu n krY shwie ]
Kabeer, what can the poor creature do, if the Lord does not give him assistance?
kbIr, grIb jIv kI kr skdw hY, jykr suAwmI aus dI shwieqw nW kry[
ijh ijh fwlI pgu Drau soeI muir muir jwie ]97]
Whatever branch he steps on breaks and collapses. ||97||
ijs iksy tihxI qy BI auh Awpxw pYr Drdw hY, auhI tut Put ky ifg pYdI hY[
kbIr Avrh kau aupdysqy muK mY pir hY ryqu ]
Kabeer, those who only preach to others - sand falls into their mouths.
kbIr aunHW dy muMh iv`c ryqw pYdw hY, jo hornw nUM isKmq idMdy hn qy Kud aus qy Aml nhIN krdy[
rwis ibrwnI rwKqy KwXw Gr kw Kyqu ]98]
They keep their eyes on the property of others, while their own farm is being eaten up. ||98||
auh hornw dI jwiedwd vl q`k rKdy hn, pRMqU aunHW aunHW dI AwpxI inj dI pYlI KwDI jw rhI hY[
kbIr swDU kI sMgiq rhau jau kI BUsI Kwau ]
Kabeer, I will remain in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, even if I have only coarse bread to eat.
kbIr, mYN kMvl sMqW dI hI sMgq krWgw, BwvyN mYnUM jvw dI rotI hI KwxI pvy[
honhwru so hoiehY swkq sMig n jwau ]99]
Whatever will be, will be. I will not associate with the faithless cynics. ||99||
ijhVw kuC hoxw hY, auh ipAw hovy[ mYN mwieAw dy aupwSkW nwl myl imlwp nhIN krWgw[
kbIr sMgiq swD kI idn idn dUnw hyqu ]
Kabeer, in the Saadh Sangat, love for the Lord doubles day by day.
kbIr, sMqW dI sMgq krn duAwrw, pRBU dI roj-b-roj dugxI huMdI jWdI hY[
swkq kwrI kWbrI Doey hoie n syqu ]100]
The faithless cynic is like a black blanket, which does not become white by being washed. ||100||
mlyC kwlI kMblI dI mwnMd hY jo DoiqAW ic`tI nhIN huMdI[
kbIr mnu mUMifAw nhI kys muMfwey kWie ]
Kabeer, you have not shaved your mind, so why do you shave your head?
kbIr qUM Awpxw mnUAw qw muMinAw nhIN iPr qUM Awpxy vwl ikauN muMnwauNdw hY?
jo ikCu kIAw so mn kIAw mUMfw mUMfu AjWie ]101]
Whatever is done, is done by the mind; it is useless to shave your head. ||101||
ijhVw kuJ huMdw hY, auh mnUAw krdw hY, ies leI ivArQ hY qyrw isr dw muMnxw[
kbIr rwmu n CofIAY qnu Dnu jwie q jwau ]
Kabeer, do not abandon the Lord; your body and wealth shall go, so let them go.
kbIr, qUM Awpxy pRBU nUM nW iqAwg, jykr qyry dyh qy dOlq jWdIAW hn qW qUM aunHW nUM jwx dy[
crn kml icqu byiDAw rwmih nwim smwau ]102]
My consciousness is pierced by the Lord's Lotus Feet; I am absorbed in the Name of the Lord. ||102||
myrw mn pRBU dy kMvl pYrW nwl ivMin@hAW igAw hY Aqy mYN aus dy nwm AMdr lIn hoieAw hoieAw hW[
kbIr jo hm jMqu bjwvqy tUit geIN sB qwr ]
Kabeer, all the strings of the instrument I played are broken.
kbIr, ijhVw swj mYN vjwauNdw sI, aus dIAW swrIAW qwrW tut geIAW hn[
jMqu ibcwrw ikAw krY cly bjwvnhwr ]103]
What can the poor instrument do, when the player has departed as well. ||103||
grIbVw swj kI kr skdw hY, jd ik vjwaux vwlw hI tur igAw hY[
kbIr mwie mUMfau iqh gurU kI jw qy Brmu n jwie ]
Kabeer, shave the mother of that guru, who does not take away one's doubt.
kbIr, qUM aus gurU dI mwqw nUM muMn dy ijs dy rwhIN sMsw nivrq nhIN huMdw[
Awp fuby chu byd mih cyly dIey bhwie ]104]
He himself is drowning in the four Vedas; he drowns his disciples as well. ||104||
auh Kud cwrW hI vydW AMdr buifAw hoieAw hY Aqy Awpxy murId nUM BI fob idMdw hY[
kbIr jyqy pwp kIey rwKy qlY durwie ]
Kabeer, whatever sins the mortal has committed, he tries to keep hidden under cover.
kbIr, jo BI ksml pRwxI krdw hY, aunHW nUM auh prdy hyTw lukweI rKdw hY[
prgt Bey indwn sB jb pUCy Drm rwie ]105]
But in the end, they shall all be revealed, when the Righteous Judge of Dharma investigates. ||105||
AKIr nUM auh swry zwhr ho jWdy hn, qd Drmrwj puC igC krdw hY[
kbIr hir kw ismrnu Cwif kY pwilE bhuqu kutMbu ]
Kabeer, you have given up meditating on the Lord, and you have raised a large family.
kbIr pRBU dI bMdgI nUM iqAwg ky qUM Bwrw t`br-kbIlw pwilAw hY[
DMDw krqw rih gieAw BweI rihAw n bMDu ]106]
You continue to involve yourself in worldly affairs, but none of your brothers and relatives remain. ||106||
qUM sMswrI kMm krI jw irhw hY, BwvyN qyrw koeI BI Brw Aqy snbMDI AsiQr nhIN irhw[
kbIr hir kw ismrnu Cwif kY rwiq jgwvn jwie ]
Kabeer, those who give up meditation on the Lord, and get up at night to wake the spirits of the dead,
kbIr, vwihgurU dy Bjn nUM iqAwg, ijhVI iesqrI rYx nUM jwgdI hY Aqy tuxy-twmx krn leI SmSwn BUmI nUM jWdI hY,
srpin hoie kY AauqrY jwey Apuny Kwie ]107]
shall be reincarnated as snakes, and eat their own offspring. ||107||
auh nwgx ho ky jMmdI hY Aqy Awpxy b`icAW nUM hI KWdI hY[
kbIr hir kw ismrnu Cwif kY AhoeI rwKY nwir ]
Kabeer, the woman who gives up meditation on the Lord, and observes the ritual fast of Ahoi,
kbIr, swihb dy AwrwDn nUM iqAwg jykr koeI jnwnI mwqw dI dyvI dw vrq rKdI hY,
gdhI hoie kY AauqrY Bwru shY mn cwir ]108]
shall be reincarnated as a donkey, to carry heavy burdens. ||108||
auh KoqI ho ky muV jMm pYdI hY Aqy cwr mx boJ auTwauNdI hY[
kbIr cqurweI Aiq GnI hir jip ihrdY mwih ]
Kabeer, it is the most clever wisdom, to chant and meditate on the Lord in the heart.
kbIr, KrI bhuqI isAwxp ies iv`c hY, ik ienswn Awpxy mn AMdr r`b dw ismrn kry[
sUrI aUpir Kylnw igrY q Twhr nwih ]109]
It is like playing on a pig; if you fall off, you will find no place of rest. ||109||
suAwmI dw ismrn sUlI auqy Kyfx dI mwnMd hY jykr ienswn ies qoN ifg pvy, qW aus nUM koeI BI Awrwm dI QW nhIN imldI[
kbIr suoeI muKu DMin hY jw muiK khIAY rwmu ]
Kabeer, blessed is that mouth, which utters the Lord's Name.
kbIr mubwrk hY auh muMh ijs mUMh nwl suAwmI dw nwm aucwrn kIqw jWdw hY[
dyhI iks kI bwpurI pivqRü hoiego gRwmu ]110]
It purifies the body, and the whole village as well. ||110||
aus jIv dy grIbVy srIr dw kihxw hI kI hY aus dw swrw ipMf hI pwvn punIq QI vM\ygW[
kbIr soeI kul BlI jw kul hir ko dwsu ]
Kabeer, that family is good, in which the Lord's slave is born.
kbIr sulKxw hY auh Kwndwn, ijs Kwndwn iv`c r`b dw golw pYdw hoieAw hY[
ijh kul dwsu n aUpjY so kul Fwku plwsu ]111]
But that family in which the Lord's slave is not born is as useless as weeds. ||111||
ijs Kwndwn iv`c sweIN dw golw pYdw nhIN hoieAw, auh Kwndwn Fk-plwh dI qrHW inkMmw hY[
kbIr hY gie bwhn sGn Gn lwK Djw Phrwih ]
Kabeer, some have lots of horses, elephants and carriages, and thousands of banners waving.
kbIr, GoiVAW, hwQIAW qy g`fIAW dw bhuq hI izAwdw igxqI iv`c pws hoxw Aqy l`KW hI JMifAw dw lihrwauxw[
ieAw suK qy iBK´w BlI jau hir ismrq idn jwih ]112]
But begging is better than these comforts, if one spends his days meditating in remembrance on the Lord. ||112||
ienHW KuSIAW nwlo mMgxw ipMnxw cMgw hY, jo suAwmI dw ismrn kridAW idhuM bIqx[
kbIr sBu jgu hau iPirE mWdlu kMD cFwie ]
Kabeer, I have wandered all over the world, carrying the drum on my shoulder.
kbIr, Awpxy moFy qy Fol cuk ky, mYN swry sMswr dw c`k kitAw hY[
koeI kwhU ko nhI sB dyKI Toik bjwie ]113]
No one belongs to anyone else; I have looked and carefully studied it. ||113||
koeI jxw vI iksy hor jxy dw im`qr nhIN mYN swirAW nUM cMgI qrHW inrxw kr ky vyK ilAw hY[
mwrig moqI bIQry AMDw inkisE Awie ]
The pearls are scattered on the road; the blind man comes along.
kbIr, mwxk rwh iv`c iKlry pey hn Aqy iek AMnHW AwdmI aus rwhy Aw jWdw hY[
joiq ibnw jgdIs kI jgqu aulµGy jwie ]114]
Without the Light of the Lord of the Universe, the world just passes them by. ||114||
Awlm dy suAwmI dy pRkwS dy bgYr, pRwxI mwxkW dy kol dI lMG jWdw hY[
bUfw bMsu kbIr kw aupijE pUqu kmwlu ]
My family is drowned, O Kabeer, since the birth of my son Kamaal.
kbIr fub igAw hY myrw Kwndwn, jd myrw puqR kmwl jMm ipAw hY[
hir kw ismrnu Cwif kY Gir ly AwXw mwlu ]115]
He has given up meditating on the Lord, in order to bring home wealth. ||115||
vwihgurU dI bMdgI nUM Cf ky auh Awpxy gRih nUM Dn-dOlq lY AwieAw hY[
kbIr swDU kau imlny jweIAY swiQ n lIjY koie ]
Kabeer, go out to meet the holy man; do not take anyone else with you.
kbIr, jy sMq nUM imlx leI jweIey qW Awpxy nwl qUM hor iksy nUM nW lY ky jw[
pwCY pwau n dIjIAY AwgY hoie su hoie ]116]
Do not turn back - keep on going. Whatever will be, will be. ||116||
iPr qUM Awpxw pYr ipCy nUM nW prqw Aqy Agy nUM vDdw jw[ ijhVw kuC huMdw hY auh ipAw hovy[
kbIr jgu bwiDE ijh jyvrI iqh mq bMDhu kbIr ]
Kabeer, do not bind yourself with that chain, which binds the whole world.
kbIr, qUM Awpxy Awp nUM aus sMglI nwl nW bMnH, ijs nwl dunIAw b`JI hoeI hY[
jYhih Awtw lon ijau son smwin srIru ]117]
As the salt is lost in the flour, so shall your golden body be lost. ||117||
ijs qrHW Awty iv`c lUx guMm ho jWdw hY, eysy qrHW hI qyrI sonHy vrgI dyh Alop ho jwvygI[
kbIr hMsu auifE qnu gwifE soJweI sYnwh ]
Kabeer, the soul-swan is flying away, and the body is being buried, and still he makes gestures.
kbIr, jd Awqmw-rwjhMs aufx vwlI huMdI hY Aqy dyh dbI jwx vwlI hY, qW BI pRwxI sYxqW nwl smJwauNdw hY[
AjhU jIau n CofeI rMkweI nYnwh ]118]
Even then, the mortal does not give up the cruel look in his eyes. ||118||
qd BI pRwxI AwpxIAW A`KW dI nIcqw nUM iqAwgdw[
kbIr nYn inhwrau quJ kau sRvn sunau quA nwau ]
Kabeer: with my eyes, I see You, Lord; with my ears, I hear Your Name.
kbIr, hy myry suAwmI! AwpxIAW A`KW nwl mYN qYnUM vyKdw hW qy AwKixAW kMnW nwl mYN qyrw nwm suxdw hW!
bYn aucrau quA nwm jI crn kml ird Twau ]119]
With my tongue I chant Your Name; I enshrine Your Lotus Feet within my heart. ||119||
AwpxI jIBw nwl mYN qyrw nwm aucwrdw hW Aqy qyry kMvl pYrW nUM Awpxy mn AMdr itkwauNdw hW[
kbIr surg nrk qy mY rihE siqgur ky prswid ]
Kabeer, I have been spared from heaven and hell, by the Grace of the True Guru.
kbIr, gurW dI dieAw duAwrw mYN bihSq Aqy dozk qoN bc igAw hW[
crn kml kI mauj mih rhau AMiq Aru Awid ]120]
From beginning to end, I abide in the joy of the Lord's Lotus Feet. ||120||
AwrMB Aqy AKIr iv`c mYN pRBU dy kMvl pYrW dI KuSI AMdr vsdw hW[
kbIr crn kml kI mauj ko kih kYsy aunmwn ]
Kabeer, how can I even describe the extent of the joy of the Lord's Lotus Feet?
kbIr pRBU dy kMvl pYrw dI KuSI dw Anumwn mYN qYnUM iks qrHW ds skdw hW?
kihby kau soBw nhI dyKw hI prvwnu ]121]
I cannot describe its sublime glory; it has to be seen to be appreciated. ||121||
ies dI vifAweI vrnn kIqI nhIN jw skdI[ ieh kyvl vyKI Aqy AnuBv kIqI jw skdI hY[
kbIr dyiK kY ikh khau khy n ko pqIAwie ]
Kabeer, how can I describe what I have seen? No one will believe my words.
kbIr, suAwmI nUM vyK, mYN aus nUM iks qrW ibAwn kr skdw hW? myry bcnw nwl iksy dI BI qs`lI nhIN ho skdI[
hir jYsw qYsw auhI rhau hriK gun gwie ]122]
The Lord is just as He is. I dwell in delight, singing His Glorious Praises. ||122||
jyho ijhw vwihgurU hY auho jyhw auh kyvl Awp hI hY[ mYN aus dIAW isPqW gwaux dy AwnMd AMdr vsdw hW[
kbIr cugY icqwrY BI cugY cuig cuig icqwry ] jYsy bcrih kUMj mn mwieAw mmqw ry ]123]
Kabeer, the flamingo pecks and feeds, and remembers her chicks. She pecks and pecks and feeds, and remembers them always. Her chicks are very dear to her, just like the love of wealth and Maya is dear to the mortal's mind. ||123||
kbIr, kUMj Awpxw cogw cugdI hY Aqy Awpxy b`icAw nUM Xwd krdI hY[ ieh cugdI, cugdI, cugdI hY Aqy muV Awpxy b`icAw nUM Xwd krdI hY[ E SKS! ijs qrHW b`cy kulMg nUM ipAwry hn, eysy qrHW hI ipAwrI hY dOlq qyry mn nUM[
kbIr AMbr Gnhru CwieAw briK Bry sr qwl ]
Kabeer, the sky is overcast and cloudy; the ponds and lakes are overflowing with water.
kbIr, Asmwn qy b`dl Cwey hoey hn Aqy JIlW, qy qwlwb bwrS dy pwxI nwl Bry hoey hn[
cwiqRk ijau qrsq rhY iqn ko kaunu hvwlu ]124]
Like the rainbird, some remain thirsty - what is their condition? ||124||
jo ppIhy dI mwnMd ipAwsy rihMdy hn, aunHW dI kI dSw hovygI?
kbIr ckeI jau inis bICurY Awie imlY prBwiq ]
Kabeer, the chakvi duck is separated from her love through the night, but in the morning, she meets him again.
kbIr, surKwbxI, jo rwq nUM Awpxy ipAwry nwlo ivCV jWdy hn, auh svyr nUM ausnUM Aw imldI hY[
jo nr ibCury rwm isau nw idn imly n rwiq ]125]
Those who are separated from the Lord do not meet Him in the day, or in the night. ||125||
bMdy, jo pRBU nwloN ivCuV gey hn, auh aus nUM nW idhuM nUM imldy hn Aqy nW hI rYx nUM[
kbIr rYnwier ibCoirAw rhu ry sMK mJUir ]
Kabeer: O conch shell, remain in the ocean.
kbIr, hy GugU, qUM smuMdr AMdr hI rhu, ies qoN ivCuV ky,
dyvl dyvl DwhVI dysih augvq sUr ]126]
If you are separated from it, you shall scream at sunrise from temple to temple. ||126||
nhIN qW qYnUM sUrj cVHn vyny hr iek mMdr iv`c kUk mwrnI pvygI[
kbIr sUqw ikAw krih jwgu roie BY duK ]
Kabeer, what are you doing sleeping? Wake up and cry in fear and pain.
kbIr, qUM su`qw ipAw kI krdw hY? swvDwn ho! qUM mOq dy fr qy pIV auqy ivrlwp kr[
jw kw bwsw gor mih so ikau sovY suK ]127]
Those who live in the grave - how can they sleep in peace? ||127||
ijnHW dw vsybw kbr iv`c hY, auh Awrm AMdr iks qrHW sO skdy hn?
kbIr sUqw ikAw krih auiT ik n jpih murwir ]
Kabeer, what are you doing sleeping? Why not rise up and meditate on the Lord?
kbIr, qUM suqw ipAw kI krdw hY? auT ky qUM ikauN hMkwr dy vYrI vwihgurU dw ismrn nhIN krdw?
iek idn sovnu hoiego lWby gof pswir ]128]
One day you shall sleep with your legs outstretched. ||128||
iek idhwVy qUM Awpxy gofy pUry lMmy qwx ky sO jwvygw[
kbIr sUqw ikAw krih bYTw rhu Aru jwgu ]
Kabeer, what are you doing sleeping? Wake up, and sit up.
kbIr, qUM su`qw ipAw kI krdw hY? qUM swvDwn ho qy bYTw rhu[
jw ky sMg qy bICurw qw hI ky sMig lwgu ]129]
Attach yourself to the One, from whom you have been separated. ||129||
ijs dI sMgq nwlo qUM ivCuV igAw hY, aus dy nwl hI qUM Awpxy Awp nUM joV[
kbIr sMq kI gYl n CofIAY mwrig lwgw jwau ]
Kabeer, do not leave the Society of the Saints; walk upon this Path.
kbIr, qUM swD dI sMgq nUM nW iqAwg Aqy qUM aus dy rsqy turdw cl[
pyKq hI puMnIq hoie Bytq jpIAY nwau ]130]
See them, and be sanctified; meet them, and chant the Name. ||130||
aus nUM vyK qUM piv`qr ho jwvygw Aqy aus nwl iml ky qUM sweIN dw nwm aucwrn krn l`g jwvygW[
kbIr swkq sMgu n kIjIAY dUrih jweIAY Bwig ]
Kabeer, do not associate with the faithless cynics; run far away from them.
kbIr, qUM ADrmI nwl myl-imlwp nW kr Aqy aus kolo bhuq dUr B`j jw[
bwsnu kwro prsIAY qau kCu lwgY dwgu ]131]
If you touch a vessel stained with soot, some of the soot will stick to you. ||131||
jykr qUM kwly BWfy nUM CUhygW qW kuJku D`bw qYnUM jrUr l`g jwvygw[
kbIrw rwmu n cyiqE jrw phUMicE Awie ]
Kabeer, you have not contemplated the Lord, and now old age has overtaken you.
kbIr qUM Awpxy suAwmI dw ismrn nhIN kIqw Aqy buFypw qyry qy Awx pu`jw hY[
lwgI mMidr duAwr qy Ab ikAw kwiFAw jwie ]132]
Now that the door of your mansion is on fire, what can you take out? ||132||
hux jd qyry mihl dy bUhy nUM A`g hI l`g geI hY, hux kI bwhr kiFAw jw skdw hY?
kbIr kwrnu so BieE jo kIno krqwir ]
Kabeer, the Creator does whatever He pleases.
kbIr, ijhVw kMm swjxhwr krdw hY, kyvl auh hI nypry cVHdw hY[
iqsu ibnu dUsru ko nhI eykY isrjnhwru ]133]
There is none other than Him; He alone is the Creator of all. ||133||
aus dy bgYr hor koeI hY hI nhIN[ kyvl auh hI swirAW dw swjxhwr hY[
kbIr Pl lwgy Plin pwkin lwgy AWb ]
Kabeer, the fruit trees are bearing fruit, and the mangoes are becoming ripe.
kbIr, jd myvy dwr ibrC nUMPl lgxy ArMB ho jWdy hn Aqy AMb p`kx l`g jWdy hn[
jwie phUcih Ksm kau jau bIic n KwhI kWb ]134]
They will reach the owner, only if the crows do not eat them first. ||134||
auh mwlk kol jw pujdy hn, jykr iv`c ivcwilau aunHW nUM kW nW Kw jwx[
kbIr Twkuru pUjih moil ly mnhiT qIrQ jwih ]
Kabeer, some buy idols and worship them; in their stubborn-mindedness, they make pilgrimages to sacred shrines.
kbIr lok dyvqy dy buq nUM KrId ky pujdy hn Aqy Awpxy ic`q dI izd rwhIN XwqRW nUM jWdy hn[
dyKw dyKI sÍWgu Dir BUly Btkw Kwih ]135]
They look at one another, and wear religious robes, but they are deluded and lost. ||135||
iek dujy nUM vyK ky auh Dwrmk ilbws pihndy hn, kurwhy pYdy Aqy Btkdy iPrdy hn[
kbIr pwhnu prmysuru kIAw pUjY sBu sMswru ]
Kabeer, someone sets up a stone idol and all the world worships it as the Lord.
kbIr p`Qr nUM dyvqw bxw, swry pRwxI ies dI aupwSnw krdy hn[
ies Brvwsy jo rhy bUfy kwlI Dwr ]136]
Those who hold to this belief will be drowned in the river of darkness. ||136||
jo ies XkIn AMdr vsdy hn, auh isAwh ndI AMdr fub jWdy hn[
kbIr kwgd kI EbrI msu ky krm kpwt ]
Kabeer, the paper is the prison, and the ink of rituals are the bars on the windows.
kbIr, Dwrmk pusqkW bMdIKwn hn Aqy krmkwfw dI isAwhI ies dy qKqy[
pwhn borI iprQmI pMifq pwVI bwt ]137]
The stone idols have drowned the world, and the Pandits, the religious scholars, have plundered it on the way. ||137||
p`Qr dy dyviqAW ny dunIAW nUM fob id`qw hY Aqy pMfqw ny ies nUM rwh iv`c hI lutput ilAw hY[
kbIr kwil krMqw Abih kru Ab krqw suie qwl ]
Kabeer, that which you have to do tomorrow - do it today instead; and that which you have to do now - do it immediately!
kbIr, ijhVw kuC qUM klH nUM krnw hY, aus nUM huxy hI kr Aqy jo hux krnw hY, aus nUM Jtpt hI kr[
pwCY kCU n hoiegw jau isr pir AwvY kwlu ]138]
Later on, you will not be able to do anything, when death hangs over your head. ||138||
mgro, jd mOq qyry isr qy Aw KVI hoeI qW kuJ BI nhIN hoxw[
kbIr AYsw jMqu ieku dyiKAw jYsI DoeI lwK ]
Kabeer, I have seen a person, who is as shiny as washed wax.
kbIr, mYN iek eyho ijhw ienswn vyiKAw hY, jo DoqI hoeI mom vrgw hY[
dIsY cMclu bhu gunw miq hInw nwpwk ]139]
He seems very clever and very virtuous, but in reality, he is without understanding, and corrupt. ||139||
auh bVw clwk Aqy bVw nykI-inpuMn jwpdw hY, pr auh bysmJ Aqy Apiv`qr hY[
kbIr myrI buiD kau jmu n krY iqskwr ]
Kabeer, the Messenger of Death shall not compromise my understanding.
kbIr, mOq dw PrySqw myrI smJ dw inrwdr nhIN krygw[
ijin iehu jmUAw isrijAw su jipAw privdgwr ]140]
I have meditated on the Lord, the Cherisher, who created this Messenger of Death. ||140||
mYN aus pwlx posxhwr pRBU dw AwrwDn kIqw hY, ijsny ies mOq dy PrySqy nUM ricAw hY[
kbIru ksqUrI BieAw Bvr Bey sB dws ]
Kabeer, the Lord is like musk; all His slaves are like bumble bees.
kbIr, vwihgurU nwPy dI inAweI ho igAw hY qy aus dy swry goly Baury QI gey hn[
ijau ijau Bgiq kbIr kI iqau iqau rwm invws ]141]
The more Kabeer worships Him, the more the Lord abides within his mind. ||141||
ijnHW ijAwdw kbIr suAwmI dw ismrn krdw hY, aunHw hI ijAwdw, sweIN aus dy ic`q AMdr vsdw hY[
kbIr ghgic pirE kutMb kY kWTY rih gieE rwmu ]
Kabeer, the mortal has fallen into the grip of family life, and the Lord has been set aside.
kbIr bMdw t`br-kbIly dI pkV iv`c Aw igAw hY qy suAwmI iek pwsy hI rih igAw hY[
Awie pry Drm rwie ky bIcih DUmw Dwm ]142]
The messengers of the Righteous Judge of Dharma descend upon the mortal, in the midst of all his pomp and ceremony. ||142||
aus dI Swn-Sokq dy ivckwr hI Drm rwjy dy PrySqy pRwxI auqy Aw pYdy hn[
kbIr swkq qy sUkr Blw rwKY AwCw gwau ]
Kabeer, even a pig is better than the faithless cynic; at least the pig keeps the village clean.
kbIr, ADrmI nwlo sUr cMgw hY, jo ipMfW nUM swP suDrw rKdw hY[
auhu swkqu bpurw mir gieAw koie n lYhY nwau ]143]
When the wretched, faithless cynic dies, no one even mentions his name. ||143||
jd auh, nW murwd mwdw pRsq mr jWdw hY koeI aus dw nwm qk nhIN lYNdw[
kbIr kaufI kaufI joir kY jory lwK kroir ]
Kabeer, the mortal gathers wealth, shell by shell, accumulating thousands and millions.
kbIr, kOfI kofI joV ky ienswn l`KW Aqy k®oVw hI iek`qr kr lYNdw hY[
clqI bwr n kCu imilE leI lµgotI qoir ]144]
But when the time of his departure comes, he takes nothing at all with him. He is even stripped of his loin-cloth. ||144||
pRMqU qurn vyly aus nUM kuJ BI nhIN imldw[ aus dy qyV dI lIr BI qoV leI jWdI hY[
kbIr bYsno hUAw q ikAw BieAw mwlw mylIN cwir ]
Kabeer, what good is it to become a devotee of Vishnu, and wear four malas?
kbIr ivSnUM dw aupwSk ho cwr ismrnIAW pwaux dw ienswn nUM kI Pwiedw hY?
bwhir kMcnu bwrhw BIqir BrI BMgwr ]145]
On the outside, he may look like pure gold, but on the inside, he is stuffed with dust. ||145||
bwhr vwro qW auh bwrW vwrI SuD kIqw hoieAw sonw hY, pr AMdr vwro auh suAwh Kyh nwl BirAw hoieAw hY[
kbIr roVw hoie rhu bwt kw qij mn kw AiBmwnu ]
Kabeer, let yourself be a pebble on the path; abandon your egotistical pride.
kbIr qUM rsqy dw iet dw totw bixAw rhu Aqy AwpxI mwnsk hMgqw nUM Cf dy[
AYsw koeI dwsu hoie qwih imlY Bgvwnu ]146]
Such a humble slave shall meet the Lord God. ||146||
jykr koeI AYho jyhw golw hovy, aus nUM kIrqImwn mwlk iml pYdw hY[
kbIr roVw hUAw q ikAw BieAw pMQI kau duKu dyie ]
Kabeer, what good would it be, to be a pebble? It would only hurt the traveller on the path.
kbIr, roVy QI vM\x dw kI lwB hY? ieh rwhI nUM qklIP idMdw hY[
AYsw qyrw dwsu hY ijau DrnI mih Kyh ]147]
Your slave, O Lord, is like the dust of the earth. ||147||
hy suAwmI qYfw nOkr AYho jyhw hoxw cwhIdw hY, ijs qrHW dI Bu`bl hY DrdI dI[
kbIr Kyh hUeI qau ikAw BieAw jau auif lwgY AMg ]
Kabeer, what then, if one could become dust? It is blown up by the wind, and sticks to the body.
kbIr qW kI jykr bMdw im`tI ho igAw hY, jo ik auf ky srIr dy AMgW nUM icmV jWdI hY[
hir jnu AYsw cwhIAY ijau pwnI srbMg ]148]
The humble servant of the Lord should be like water, which cleans everything. ||148||
r`b dw golw pwxI vrgw hoxw cwhIdw hY jo swirAW AMgW nUM swP suDrw kr idMdw hY[
kbIr pwnI hUAw q ikAw BieAw sIrw qwqw hoie ]
Kabeer, what then, if one could become water? It becomes cold, then hot.
kbIr qW kI hoieAw jykr bMdw pwxI vrgw ho jWdw hY? ieh TMfw Aqy q`qw kI vJdw hY[
hir jnu AYsw cwhIAY jYsw hir hI hoie ]149]
The humble servant of the Lord should be just like the Lord. ||149||
vwihgurU dw gulwm AYho jyhw hoxw cwhIdw hY, jyho jyhw ik vwihgurU Awp hY[
aUc Bvn knkwmnI isKir Djw Phrwie ]
The banners wave above the lofty mansions, filled with gold and beautiful women.
sony Aqy muitAwrW nwl Bry hoey aucy mMdrW dI cotI auqy JMfy JUldy hn[
qw qy BlI mDUkrI sMqsMig gun gwie ]150]
But better than these is dry bread, if one sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord in the Society of the Saints. ||150||
pRMqU aunHW nwlo cMgI hY ru`KI rotI, ijs nUM Kw ky pRwxI siqsMgq AMdr suAwmI dI is&q SlwGw gwihn krdw hY[
kbIr pwtn qy aUjru Blw rwm Bgq ijh Twie ]
Kabeer, the wilderness is better than a city, if the Lord's devotees live there.
kbIr, Sihr nwlo cMgI hY aujwV, ijs QW qy ik suAwmI dw sMq vsdw hY[
rwm snyhI bwhrw jm puru myry BWie ]151]
Without my Beloved Lord, it is like the City of Death for me. ||151||
myry ipAwry pRBU qoN sKxw Sihr, myry Bwxy mOq dw Sihr hY[
kbIr gMg jmun ky AMqry shj suMn ky Gwt ]
Kabeer, between the Ganges and Jamunaa Rivers, on the shore of Celestial Silence,
kbIr, gMgw Aqy Xmnw dy ivckwr bYkuMTI cu`p jwp dy pqx auqy[
qhw kbIrY mtu kIAw Kojq muin jn bwt ]152]
there, Kabeer has made his home. The silent sages and the humble servants of the Lord search for the way to get there. ||152||
auQy kbIr ny Awpxw fyrw bxwieAw hY, ijsdy rwh nUM munISr qy r`b dy goly Bwldy hn[
kbIr jYsI aupjI pyf qy jau qYsI inbhY EiV ]
Kabeer, if the mortal continues to love the Lord in the end, as he pledged in the beginning,
kbIr, jykr bMdw vwihgurU nUM AMq qWeI ausy qrHW ipAwr krI cly, ijs qrHW ausny AwrMB iv`c pRx kIqw sI,
hIrw iks kw bwpurw pujih n rqn kroiV ]153]
no poor diamond, not even millions of jewels, can equal him. ||153||
iek grIb jvyhr dw qW kI kihxw hY, k®oVw hI mwxk ausdy brwbr nhIN pujdy[
kbIrw eyku AcMBau dyiKE hIrw hwt ibkwie ]
Kabeer, I saw a strange and wonderful thing. A jewel was being sold in a store.
kbIr, mYN iek Ascrj g`l dyKI[ iek jvyhr iek h`tI qy ivk irhw sI[
bnjnhwry bwhrw kaufI bdlY jwie ]154]
Because there was no buyer, it was going in exchange for a shell. ||154||
gwhk nW hox dy kwrx ieh iek kOfI dy vtwdry iv`c jw irhw sI[
kbIrw jhw igAwnu qh Drmu hY jhw JUTu qh pwpu ]
Kabeer, where there is spiritual wisdom, there is righteousness and Dharma. Where there is falsehood, there is sin.
kbIr, ijQy bRhmboD hY auQy nykI hY qy ijQy kUV hY auQy ksml hY[
jhw loBu qh kwlu hY jhw iKmw qh Awip ]155]
Where there is greed, there is death. Where there is forgiveness, there is God Himself. ||155||
ijQy lwlc hY auQy mOq hY Aqy ijQy muAwPI hY, auQy vwihgurU Kud hI hY[
kbIr mwieAw qjI q ikAw BieAw jau mwnu qijAw nhI jwie ]
Kabeer, what good is it to give up Maya, if the mortal does not give up his pride?
kbIr Dn dOlq nUM C`fx dw kI lwB hY, jykr bMdw AwpxI svY-hMgqw nUM nhIN C`fdw[
mwn munI muinvr gly mwnu sBY kau Kwie ]156]
Even the silent sages and seers are destroyed by pride; pride eats up everything. ||156||
irSI Aqy sRySt sMq hMkwr ny nSt kr C`fy hn[ hMkwr swirAW nUM Kw jWdw hY[
kbIr swcw siqguru mY imilAw sbdu ju bwihAw eyku ]
Kabeer, the True Guru has met me; He aimed the Arrow of the Shabad at me.
kbIr, s`cy siqgurU mYnUM iml pey hn Aqy aunHW ny mYnUM r`b dy nwm dw qIr mwirAw hY[
lwgq hI Buie imil gieAw pirAw klyjy Cyku ]157]
As soon as it struck me, I fell to the ground with a hole in my heart. ||157||
ijs dy l`gx swr hI, mYN jmIn qy ifg ipAw Aqy myry idl iv`c morI ho geI[
kbIr swcw siqguru ikAw krY jau isKw mih cUk ]
Kabeer, what can the True Guru do, when His Sikhs are at fault?
kbIr, s`cy siqgurU kI kr skdy hn, jd ksUr aunHW dy iSSW AMdr hY?
AMDy eyk n lwgeI ijau bWsu bjweIAY PUk ]158]
The blind do not take in any of His Teachings; it is as useless as blowing into bamboo. ||158||
gurW dw iek bcn BI AMnHw gRihn nhIN krdw[ ieh bWs iv`c PUk mwrn dI mwnMd hY[
kbIr hY gY bwhn sGn Gn CqRpqI kI nwir ]
Kabeer, the wife of the king has all sorts of horses, elephants and carriages.
kbIr, mhwrwjy dI rwxI, ijsdy pws bhuq hI ijAwdw Gofy, hwQI Aqy g`fIAW hn,
qwsu ptMqr nw pujY hir jn kI pinhwir ]159]
But she is not equal to the water-carrier of the Lord's humble servant. ||159||
auh vwihgurU dy goly dI pwxI Brn vwlI dy brwbr vI nhIN pujdI[
kbIr inRp nwrI ikau inMdIAY ikau hir cyrI kau mwnu ]
Kabeer, why do you slander the wife of the king? Why do you honor the slave of the Lord?
kbIr, qUM rwjy dI pqnI nUM ikauN inMddw hY, Aqy hrI dI bWdI dI ikauN iezq krdw hY?
Eh mWg svwrY ibKY kau Eh ismrY hir nwmu ]160]
Because one combs her hair for corruption, while the other remembers the Name of the Lord. ||160||
ikauN ik, iek qW pwp leI, Awpxy vwlw dy cIrW nUM iSMgwrdI hY jd ik dUjI vwihgurU dy nwm dw AwrwDn krdI hY[
kbIr QUnI pweI iQiq BeI siqgur bMDI DIr ]
Kabeer, with the Support of the Lord's Pillar, I have become steady and stable.
kbIr, suAwmI dy nwm dw Awsrw pRwpq krky mYN AsiQr QI igAw hW Aqy s`cy gurW ny mYnUM DIrj bKiSAw hY[
kbIr hIrw bnijAw mwn srovr qIr ]161]
The True Guru has given me courage. Kabeer, I have purchased the diamond, on the banks of the Mansarovar Lake. ||161||
kbIr, mYN mwnsrovr JIl dy kMFy qy sweIN dy nwm dw jvyhr KrIidAw hY[
kbIr hir hIrw jn jauhrI ly kY mWfY hwt ]
Kabeer, the Lord is the Diamond, and the Lord's humble servant is the jeweller who has set up his shop.
kbIr, vwihgurU jvyhr hY Aqy vwihgurU dw golw jvyhrI, ijsny jvyhr nUM pw ky h`tI jwrI kr leI hY[
jb hI pweIAih pwrKU qb hIrn kI swt ]162]
As soon as an appraiser is found, the price of the jewel is set. ||162||
jd BI prKx vwlw l`B lYNdw hY, aus vyny hI jvyhrW dw mu`l iml jWdw hY[
kbIr kwm pry hir ismrIAY AYsw ismrhu inq ]
Kabeer, you remember the Lord in meditation, only when the need arises. You should remember Him all the time.
kbIr, ijs qrHW loV pYx qy qUM r`b nUM Xwd krdw hY ausy qrHW hI qYnUM hmySW hI aus nUM XWd krnw cwhIdw hY[
Amrw pur bwsw krhu hir gieAw bhorY ibq ]163]
You shall dwell in the city of immortality, and the Lord shall restore the wealth you lost. ||163||
ies qrHW qUM AiblwSI Sihr AMdr invws prwpq kr lvygw Aqy vwihgurU qyry hQo geI hoeI dOlq qYnUM vwps kr dyvygw[
kbIr syvw kau duie Bly eyku sMqu ieku rwmu ]
Kabeer, it is good to perform selfless service for two - the Saints and the Lord.
kbIr, tihl kmwaux leI kyvl do ivAkqI hI SRySt hn, iek swDU Aqy dusrw suAwmI!
rwmu ju dwqw mukiq ko sMqu jpwvY nwmu ]164]
The Lord is the Giver of liberation, and the Saint inspires us to chant the Naam. ||164||
suAwmI jo moKS dyxhwr hY Aqy swDU jo nwm dw aucwrn krvwauNdw hY[
kbIr ijh mwrig pMifq gey pwCY prI bhIr ]
Kabeer, the crowds follow the path which the Pandits, the religious scholars, have taken.
kbIr, JuMfw dy JuMf aus rsqy mgr jWdy ijs rwhy pMfq gey hn[
iek AvGt GwtI rwm kI iqh ciV rihE kbIr ]165]
There is a difficult and treacherous cliff on that path to the Lord; Kabeer is climbing that cliff. ||165||
pRBU dy rsqy iv`c iek kTn phwVI hY, kbIr auh phwVI auqy cVH irhw hY[
kbIr dunIAw ky doKy mUAw cwlq kul kI kwin ]
Kabeer, the mortal dies of his worldly troubles and pain, after worrying about his family.
kbIr, Awpxy Kwndwn dI icMqw kwrn bMdw kMm krdw hY qy ies qrHW sMswrI duK AMdr mr jWdw hY[
qb kulu iks kw lwjsI jb ly Drih mswin ]166]
Whose family is dishonored, when he is placed on the funeral pyre? ||166||
audoN kIhdy Kwndwn dI byiezqI hovygI, jd aus nUM SmSwn-BUmI iv`c iljw riKAw?
kbIr fUbihgo ry bwpury bhu logn kI kwin ]
Kabeer, you shall drown, you wretched being, from worrying about what other people think.
kbIr, hy bdbKq bMdy! bhuqy lokW dI rwie dy snmwn rwhIN qUM fub jwvygw[
pwrosI ky jo hUAw qU Apny BI jwnu ]167]
You know that whatever happens to your neighbors, will also happen to you. ||167||
qUM jwx lY ik ijhVI BwvI qyry guAwFI qy vrqI hY, auh qyry auqy BI vrqygI[
kbIr BlI mDUkrI nwnw ibiD ko nwju ]
Kabeer, even dry bread, made of various grains, is good.
kbIr, cMgI hY ruKI rotI, AnykW iksmW dy dwixAW dI bxI hoeI[
dwvw kwhU ko nhI bfw dysu bf rwju ]168]
No one brags about it, throughout the vast country and great empire. ||168||
iesdy leI myrw iksy jxy auqy koeI BI h`k nhIN[ v`fw hY mulk Aqy vfI hY pwiqSwhI ijQy mYN ies dy leI jw skdw hW[
kbIr dwvY dwJnu hoqu hY inrdwvY rhY insMk ]
Kabeer, those who brag, shall burn. Those who do not brag remain carefree.
kbIr, h`k jmwaux nwl idl-sVyvw huMdw hY[ h`k dy bgYr bMdw insicMq rihMdw hY[
jo jnu inrdwvY rhY so gnY ieMdR so rMk ]169]
That humble being who does not brag, looks upon the gods and the poor alike. ||169||
ijhVw ienswn h`k dy bgYr rihMdw hY, ieMqR-dyvqw Aqy iek kMgwl purS nUM ieko jyhw igxdw hY[
kbIr pwil smuhw srvru Brw pI n skY koeI nIru ]
Kabeer, the pool is filled to overflowing, but no one can drink the water from it.
kbIr, swrw qwlwb kMiFAw qWeI BirAw hoieAw hY, pRMqU aus qoN koeI BI pwxI nhIN pI skdw[
Bwg bfy qY pwieE qUM Bir Bir pIau kbIr ]170]
By great good fortune, you have found it; drink it in handfuls, O Kabeer. ||170||
v`fI BwrI iksmq duAwrw qYnUM ieh l`B ipAw hY[ qUM ijs nUM Ejl (bu`k) Br Br pwn kr, hy kbIr!
kbIr prBwqy qwry iKsih iqau iehu iKsY srIru ]
Kabeer, just as the stars disappear at dawn, so shall this body disappear.
kbIr, ijs qrHW svyr swr qwry Alop ho jWdy hn, eysy qrHW hI ieh dyh Alop ho jWdI hY[
ey duie AKr nw iKsih so gih rihE kbIru ]171]
Only the letters of God's Name do not disappear; Kabeer holds these tight. ||171||
pRMqU rwm dy ieh do AKSr Alop nhIN huMdy[ aunHW nUM kbIr Gut ky PVI bYTw hY[
kbIr koTI kwT kI dh idis lwgI Awig ]
Kabeer, the wooden house is burning on all sides.
kbIr, lkV dy Gr nUM dsI pwsI A`g l`gI hoeI hY[
pMifq pMifq jil mUey mUrK aubry Bwig ]172]
The Pandits, the religious scholars, have been burnt to death, while the illiterate ones run to safety. ||172||
ivdvwn bRwhmx sV ky mr gey hn, jd ik AnpVH dOV ky bc gey hn[
kbIr sMsw dUir kru kwgd dyh ibhwie ]
Kabeer, give up your skepticism; let your papers float away.
kbIr, qUM Awpxy vihm nUM Cf dy Aqy Awpxy kwgjI-ielm nUM roVH dy[
bwvn AKr soiD kY hir crnI icqu lwie ]173]
Find the essence of the letters of the alphabet, and focus your consciousness on the Lord. ||173||
bvMjw AKsrW dy swr nUM l`p ky, qUM Awpxy mn nUM vwihgurU dy pYrW nwl joV[
kbIr sMqu n CwfY sMqeI jau koitk imlih AsMq ]
Kabeer, the Saint does not forsake his Saintly nature, even though he meets with millions of evil-doers.
kbIr, swDU Awpxy swDUpuxy nUM nhIN iqAwgdw, BwvyN ausnUM k®oVw hI Apiv`qr purS iml pYx[
milAwgru BuXMgm byiFE q sIqlqw n qjMq ]174]
Even when sandalwood is surrounded by snakes, it does not give up its cooling fragrance. ||174||
cMnx s`pw nwl lpyitAw hoieAw hY qW BI ieh AwpxI TMfk nUM nhIN Cfdw[
kbIr mnu sIqlu BieAw pwieAw bRhm igAwnu ]
Kabeer, my mind is cooled and soothed; I have become God-conscious.
kbIr, pRBU dI igAwq nUM prwpq krn duAwrw, myrw ic`q iqRpq ho igAw hY[
ijin juAwlw jgu jwirAw su jn ky audk smwin ]175]
The fire which has burnt the world is like water to the Lord's humble servant. ||175||
ijs A`g ny sMswr swV suitAw hY, auh A`g suAwmI dy goly leI pwxI dy qul hY[
kbIr swrI isrjnhwr kI jwnY nwhI koie ]
Kabeer, no one knows the Play of the Creator Lord.
kbIr, sMswr swjxhwr suAwmI dI Kyf hY, pRMqU ies nUM koeI jxw BI nhIN smJdw[
kY jwnY Awpn DnI kY dwsu dIvwnI hoie ]176]
Only the Lord Himself and the slaves at His Court understand it. ||176||
jW qW mwlk Kud jW auh jo aus dy drbwr dw golw hY, hI ies nUM smJdw hY[
kbIr BlI BeI jo Bau pirAw idsw geˆØI sB BUil ]
Kabeer, it is good that I feel the Fear of God; I have forgotten everything else.
kbIr, ieh cMgw hY, ik mYN Awpxy sweIN dy fr nUM AnuBv krdw hW qy mYnUM hor swry pwsy Bul gey hn[
Erw gir pwnI BieAw jwie imilE Fil kUil ]177]
The hail-stone has melted into water, and flowed into the ocean. ||177||
kbIr, gVy qoN ipGl ky mYN pwxI QI igAw hW Aqy vg vg ky, mYN Awpxy suAwmI smuMdr AMdr smw igAw hW[
kbIrw DUir skyil kY purIAw bWDI dyh ]
Kabeer, the body is a pile of dust, collected and packed together.
kbIr im`tI iek`TI krky, suAwmI ny srIr nUM hkIm dI puVI dI mwnMd bMin@hAw hY[
idvs cwir ko pyKnw AMiq Kyh kI Kyh ]178]
It is a show which lasts for only a few days, and then dust returns to dust. ||178||
ieh kyvl cwr idhwiVAW dw njwrw hY[ AKIr nUM im`tI ny im`tI hI ho jwxw hY[
kbIr sUrj cWd kY audY BeI sB dyh ]
Kabeer, bodies are like the rising and setting of the sun and the moon.
kbIr, swry srIr sUrj Aqy cMn dy cVHn Aqy fubx dI mwnMd hn[
gur goibMd ky ibnu imly plit BeI sB Kyh ]179]
Without meeting the Guru, the Lord of the Universe, they are all reduced to dust again. ||179||
pRMqU gurU-pRmySr dy nwl imlx dy bgYr, auh muV ky swry im`tI ho jWdy hn[
jh AnBau qh BY nhI jh Bau qh hir nwih ]
Where the Fearless Lord is, there is no fear; where there is fear, the Lord is not there.
ijQy in`fr pRBU hY, auQy fr nhIN[ ijQy fr hY auQy vwihgurU nhIN[
kihE kbIr ibcwir kY sMq sunhu mn mwih ]180]
Kabeer speaks after careful consideration; hear this, O Saints, in your minds. ||180||
Awpxy ic`q AMdr ies nUM soc vIcwr ky, kbIr ies qrHW AwKdw hY[ hy swDUE! qusIN sRvn kro[
kbIr ijnhu ikCU jwinAw nhI iqn suK nId ibhwie ]
Kabeer, those who do not know anything, pass their lives in peaceful sleep.
kbIr, jo kuJ BI jwxdy nhIN, auh Awrwm dI nIdr AMdr Awpxw smW bqIq krdy hn[
hmhu ju bUJw bUJnw pUrI prI blwie ]181]
But I have understood the riddle; I am faced with all sorts of troubles. ||181||
mY, ijsny buJwrq buJ leI hY, mYnUM hux mukMml AwPq pY geI hY[
kbIr mwry bhuqu pukwirAw pIr pukwrY Aaur ]
Kabeer, those who are beaten cry a lot; but the cries of the pain of separation are different.
kbIr, mwVy mnuS Gxw roNdy hn, pRMqU vKrw hI hY roxw sMqW dw[
lwgI cot mrMm kI rihE kbIrw Taur ]182]
Struck by the Mystery of God, Kabeer remains silent. ||182||
guJy AMg qy hrI dy pRym dI s`t l`gx nwl kbIr ausy QW ifg ipAw[
kbIr cot suhylI syl kI lwgq lyie ausws ]
Kabeer, the stroke of a lance is easy to bear; it takes away the breath.
kbIr, suBwiemwn hY s`t syly dI[ ieh lgdy swr hI swh iK`c lYNdI hY[
cot shwrY sbd kI qwsu gurU mY dws ]183]
But one who endures the stroke of the Word of the Shabad is the Guru, and I am his slave. ||183||
jo gurW dI bwxI dI s`t nUM brdwSq krdw hY, auh gurU hY Aqy mYN aus dw golw[
kbIr mulW munwry ikAw cFih sWeI n bhrw hoie ]
Kabeer: O Mullah, why do you climb to the top of the minaret? The Lord is not hard of hearing.
kbIr, mulHw burj qy ikauN cVHdw hY (aucI Awvwz krn leI)? suAwmI koeI bolw qW nhIN[
jw kwrin qUM bWg dyih idl hI BIqir joie ]184]
Look within your own heart for the One, for whose sake you shout your prayers. ||184||
ijs dI Kwqr qUM nmwj dw s`dw idMdw hY, auh qyry ihrdy AMdr hY[
syK sbUrI bwhrw ikAw hj kwby jwie ]
Why does the Shaykh bother to go on pilgrimage to Mecca, if he is not content with himself?
SyK jo sbr isdk qoN s`Kxw hY, auh ikauN m`ky dI Xwqrw leI jWdw hY[
kbIr jw kI idl swbiq nhI qw kau khW Kudwie ]185]
Kabeer, one whose heart is not healthy and whole - how can he attain his Lord? ||185||
ijs dw mn mukMml nhIN, auh Awpxy hrI nUM iks qrHW pw skdw hY?
kbIr Alh kI kir bMdgI ijh ismrq duKu jwie ]
Kabeer, worship the Lord Allah; meditating in remembrance on Him, troubles and pains depart.
kbIr, qUM Awpxy vwihgurU dw AwrwDn kr, ijs dw Bjn krn duAwrw duKVy dUr ho jWdy hn[
idl mih sWeI prgtY buJY blµqI nWie ]186]
The Lord shall be revealed within your own heart, and the burning fire within shall be extinguished by His Name. ||186||
suAwmI qyry irdy AMdr prq`K pRkwSvwn ho jwvygw Aqy qyrI bldI hoeI A`g buJ jwvygI[
kbIr jorI kIey julmu hY khqw nwau hlwlu ]
Kabeer, to use force is tyranny, even if you call it legal.
kbIr, jbrdsqI krnw AiqAwcwr hY, BwvyN qUM ies nUM kwnUMnx jwiez AwKdw hY[
dPqir lyKw mWgIAY qb hoiego kaunu hvwlu ]187]
When your account is called for in the Court of the Lord, what will your condition be then? ||187||
jd sweIN dy dPqr iv`c qyry goly qyrw ihswb ikqwb mMigAw igAw, qW qyrI kI hwlq hovygI?
kbIr KUbu Kwnw KIcrI jw mih AMimRqu lonu ]
Kabeer, the dinner of beans and rice is excellent, if it is flavored with salt.
kbIr SRySt hY Bojn iKcVI dw, ijs iv`c suAwdlw nUx ipAw hoieAw hY[
hyrw rotI kwrny glw ktwvY kaunu ]188]
Who would cut his throat, to have meat with his bread? ||188||
Awpxy tu`kr nwl mws dI Kwqr Awpxy gly nUM kOx vFvw lYNdw hY?
kbIr guru lwgw qb jwnIAY imtY mohu qn qwp ]
Kabeer, one is known to have been touched by the Guru, only when his emotional attachment and physical illnesses are eradicated.
kbIr, kyvl qW hI gurU idl qy Asr krdw hoieAw jwixAw jWdw hY, jykr bMdy dI sMswrI mmqw qy srIrk rMg imt jwx[
hrK sog dwJY nhI qb hir Awpih Awip ]189]
He is not burned by pleasure or pain, and so he becomes the Lord Himself. ||189||
KuSI Aqy gmI aus nUM swVdy nhIN Aqy qd auh Kud hI vwihgurU QI vM\dw hY[
kbIr rwm khn mih Bydu hY qw mih eyku ibcwru ]
Kabeer, it does make a difference, how you chant the Lord's Name, 'Raam'. This is something to consider.
kbIr "rwm" dI aupwSnw krn iv`c iek Prk hY[ aus AMdr ivcwrn Xog iek nukqw hY[
soeI rwmu sBY khih soeI kauqkhwr ]190]
Everyone uses the same word for the son of Dasrath and the Wondrous Lord. ||190||
auhI lPj, hr koeI dsrQ dy pu`qR leI vrqdw hY Aqy auhI lPj AdBuq suAwmI leI[
kbIr rwmY rwm khu kihby mwih ibbyk ]
Kabeer, use the word 'Raam', only to speak of the All-pervading Lord. You must make that distinction.
kbIr, qUM kyvl aus nUM hI 'rwm' AwK jo srb-ivAwpk hY[ donw dw ijkr krn ligAw swnUM ienHW ivcwly Prk qy ivcwr kr lYxI cwhIdI hY[
eyku Anykih imil gieAw eyk smwnw eyk ]191]
One 'Raam' is pervading everywhere, while the other is contained only in himself. ||191||
iek rwm-vwihgurU-swirAW AMdr rimAw hoieAw hY, jd ik dUjw (rwm cMdR) kyvl Awpxy AMdr hI smwieAw hoieAw hY[
kbIr jw Gr swD n syvIAih hir kI syvw nwih ]
Kabeer, those houses in which neither the Holy nor the Lord are served
kbIr, auh Dwm, ijnHW AMdr sMqw dI tihl nhIN huMdI Aqy vwihgurU ismirAw nhIN jWdw,
qy Gr mrht swrKy BUq bsih iqn mwih ]192]
- those houses are like cremation grounds; demons dwell within them. ||192||
auh Dwm SmSwn BUmI vrgy hn Aqy aunHW AMdr BUqny vsdy hn[
kbIr gUMgw hUAw bwvrw bhrw hUAw kwn ]
Kabeer, I have become mute, insane and deaf.
kbIr, mYN guMgw qy pglw ho igAw hW qy kMnW qoN bolw vI igAw hW
pwvhu qy ipMgul BieAw mwirAw siqgur bwn ]193]
I am crippled - the True Guru has pierced me with His Arrow. ||193||
Aqy pYrW qoN lUlw ho igAw hW, ikauN jo s`cy gurW ny mYnUM Awpxy qIr nwl ivMnH suitAw hY[
kbIr siqgur sUrmy bwihAw bwnu ju eyku ]
Kabeer, the True Guru, the Spiritual Warrior, has shot me with His Arrow.
kbIr, XoDy s`cy gurW ny mYnUM iek qIr mwirAw hY[
lwgq hI Buie igir pirAw prw kryjy Cyku ]194]
As soon as it struck me, I fell to the ground, with a hole in my heart. ||194||
iesdy lgidAW swr hI mYN DrqI qy ifg ipAw Aqy myry idl AMdr morI ho geI hY[
kbIr inrml bUMd Akws kI pir geI BUim ibkwr ]
Kabeer, the pure drop of water falls from the sky, onto the dirty ground.
kbIr Asmwn dI piv`qr kxI plIq DrqI qy ifg peI hY[
ibnu sMgiq ieau mWneI hoie geI BT Cwr ]195]
You must acknowledge this, that without the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, it turns into burnt ashes. ||195||
qUM ies qrHW jwx lY ky siqsMgq dy bgYr, iek B`TI dI suAwh dI mwnMd ho jWdI hY[
kbIr inrml bUMd Akws kI lInI BUim imlwie ]
Kabeer, the pure drop of water falls from the sky, and mixes with the dust.
kbIr Asmwn dI pwvn punIq mINh dI kxI im`tI nwl iml jWdI hY[
Aink isAwny pic gey nw inrvwrI jwie ]196]
Millions of clever people may try, but they will fail - it cannot be made separate again. ||196||
k®oV hI AklmMd ienswn koiSS krky hwr gey hn[ ieh v`KrI kIqI nhIN jw skdI[
kbIr hj kwby hau jwie Qw AwgY imilAw Kudwie ]
Kabeer, I was going on a pilgrimage to Mecca, and God met me on the way.
kbIr, mYN m`ky dI XwqRw nUM jw irhw sI Aqy A`gy rsqy iv`c mYnUM vwihgurU iml ipAw[
sWeI muJ isau lir pirAw quJY ikin@ PurmweI gwie ]197]
He scolded me and asked, "Who told you that I am only there?"||197||
ieh AwKdw hoieAw suAwmI myry nwl lV ipAw, "qYnUM iks ny AwiKAw hY ik mYN kyvl aus QW qy hI hW"
kbIr hj kwbY hoie hoie gieAw kyqI bwr kbIr ]
Kabeer, I went to Mecca - how many times, Kabeer?
kbIr, mYN kwby dI XwqRw bhuq vwrI kIqI hY[ pRMqU ikMnI vwrI, hy kbIr?
sWeI muJ mih ikAw Kqw muKhu n bolY pIr ]198]
O Lord, what is the problem with me? You have not spoken to me with Your Mouth. ||198||
hy suAwmI! myry iv`c kI ksUr hY ik qUM hy myrI rUhwnI rihbr! Awpxy mUMh nwl myry sMg qW g`l hI nhIN krdw[
kbIr jIA ju mwrih joru kir khqy hih ju hlwlu ]
Kabeer, they oppress living beings and kill them, and call it proper.
kbIr jo iDMgo zorI jIvW nUM mwrdy hn Aqy aus nUM Drm AnukUl AwKdy hn[
dPqru deI jb kwiF hY hoiegw kaunu hvwlu ]199]
When the Lord calls for their account, what will their condition be? ||199||
jd pRBU Awpxy dPqr dw lyKw pqw kFygw, qd, aunHW dI kI hwlq hoaUgI?
kbIr joru kIAw so julmu hY lyie jbwbu Kudwie ]
Kabeer, it is tyranny to use force; the Lord shall call you to account.
kbIr, jorw jbrI krnI, ieh AiqAwcwr hY Aqy suAwmI qyry koloN ihswb ikqwb lvygW[
dPqir lyKw nIksY mwr muhY muih Kwie ]200]
When your account is called for, your face and mouth shall be beaten. ||200||
jd suAwmI dy dPqr ivcoN qyrw ihswb ikqwb inkilAw qd qUM Awpxy ichry Aqy mUhM auqy s`tW shwrygw[
kbIr lyKw dynw suhylw jau idl sUcI hoie ]
Kabeer, it is easy to render your account, if your heart is pure.
kbIr, sOKw hY lyKw p`q dyxw, jykr ihrdy AMdr piv`qrqw hovy[
ausu swcy dIbwn mih plw n pkrY koie ]201]
In the True Court of the Lord, no one will seize you. ||201||
aus s`cy drbwr AMdr qd koeI jxw BI qYnUM qyry lV qoN nhIN PVUgw[
kbIr DrqI Aru Awkws mih duie qUM brI AbD ]
Kabeer: O duality, you are mighty and powerful in the earth and the sky.
kbIr, hy dvYq-pwv, jmIn Aqy Asmwn iv`c qUM bhuq hI AKMfr hY[
Kt drsn sMsy pry Aru caurwsIh isD ]202]
The six Shaastras and the eighty-four Siddhas are entrenched in skepticism. ||202||
Cy Swsqr Aqy curwsI pUrn purS sMdyh AMdr gRsy hoey hn[
kbIr myrw muJ mih ikCu nhI jo ikCu hY so qyrw ]
Kabeer, nothing is mine within myself. Whatever there is, is Yours, O Lord.
kbIr, myry iv`c myrw kuJ BI nhIN[ ijhVw kuJ hY, auh qYfw hI hY, hy suAwmI!
qyrw quJ kau saupqy ikAw lwgY myrw ]203]
If I surrender to You what is already Yours, what does it cost me? ||203||
ijhVw kuJ qYfw hY, jykr aus nUM mYN qYfy smrpn kr idAW qw myrI kI lgdw hY[
kbIr qUM qUM krqw qU hUAw muJ mih rhw n hUM ]
Kabeer, repeating, "You, You", I have become like You. Nothing of me remains in myself.
kbIr, "qUhI qUhI" AwKidAW hoieAw mYN qyry vrgw ho igAw hW[ myry iv`c hux "mY" rhI hI nhIN[
jb Awpw pr kw imit gieAw jq dyKau qq qU ]204]
When the difference between myself and others is removed, then wherever I look, I see only You. ||204||
jd myrw Aqy hornw dw iBMn-Byd dUr ho igAw, qW ijQy ikqy BI mYN vyKdw hW, auQy mYN kyvl qYnUM hI vyKdw hW, hy suAwmI!
kbIr ibkwrh icqvqy JUTy krqy Aws ]
Kabeer, those who think of evil and entertain false hopes
kbIr, jo bdI dw iKAwl krdy hn Aqy kUVIAW aumYdw bMnHdy hnÚ
mnorQu koie n pUirE cwly aUiT inrws ]205]
- none of their desires shall be fulfilled; they shall depart in despair. ||205||
aunHW dI koeI BI KwihS pUrI nhIN huMdI Aqy auh by-aumYd hI tur vM\dy hn[
kbIr hir kw ismrnu jo krY so suKIAw sMswir ]
Kabeer, whoever meditates in remembrance on the Lord, he alone is happy in this world.
kbIr, jo koeI BI vwihgurU dw AwrwDn krdw hY, kyvl auh hI ies jg AMdr suKI hY[
ieq auq kqih n foleI ijs rwKY isrjnhwr ]206]
One who is protected and saved by the Creator Lord, shall never waver, here or hereafter. ||206||
ijsdI swjxhwr-suAwmI r`iKAw krdw hY auh eyQy Xw EQy kdy BI if`ko foly nhIN KWdw[
kbIr GwxI pIVqy siqgur lIey Cfwie ]
Kabeer, I was being crushed like sesame seeds in the oil-press, but the True Guru saved me.
kbIr mYN srHo dy prwgy dI qrHW pIiVAw jw irhw sW, pRMqU s`cy gurW ny mYnUM bcw ilAw hY[
prw pUrblI BwvnI prgtu hoeI Awie ]207]
My pre-ordained primal destiny has now been revealed. ||207||
myry muF kdImW dw pRBU dw krjw dyx qoN twl-mtol kridAW bqIq ho igAw h[
kbIr twlY tolY idnu gieAw ibAwju bFMqau jwie ]
Kabeer, my days have passed, and I have postponed my payments; the interest on my account continues to increase.
kbIr, myrw idhuM suAwmI dw krzw dyx qoN twl-mtol kridAw bqIq ho igAw hY Aqy sUd vDdw jW irhw hY[
nw hir BijE n Kqu PitE kwlu phUMco Awie ]208]
I have not meditated on the Lord and my account is still pending, and now, the moment of my death has come! ||208||
mYN Awpxy vwihgurU dw ismrn nhIN kIqw nW hy myry lyKy pqy dy kwgj pwty hn, qy myrI mOq AwK pujI hY[