Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
mÚ 3
AMg: 797

iblwvlu mhlw 3 ]
Bilaaval, Third Mehl:
iblwvl qIjI pwiqSwhI[
pUrw Qwtu bxwieAw pUrY vyKhu eyk smwnw ]
The perfect Lord has fashioned the Perfect Creation. Behold the Lord pervading everywhere.
pUrn pRBU ny pUrI bxwvt bxweI hY[ qUM iek pRBU nUM hI swry rimAw hoitAw dyK[
iesu prpMc mih swcy nwm kI vifAweI mqu ko Drhu gumwnw ]1]
In this play of the world, is the glorious greatness of the True Name. No one should take pride in himself. ||1||
ieh Kyf (jhwn AMdr pRBqw s`cy nwm dI hY[ ies leI koeI jxw Awpxy Awp qy hMkwr nW kry[
siqgur kI ijs no miq AwvY so siqgur mwih smwnw ]
One who accepts the wisdom of the True Guru's Teachings, is absorbed into the True Guru.
jo s`cy gurW dI isAwxp nUM Dwrn kr lYNdw hY, auh s`cy gurW AMdr lIn ho jWdw hY[
ieh bwxI jo jIAhu jwxY iqsu AMqir rvY hir nwmw ]1] rhwau ]
The Lord's Name abides deep within the nucleus of one who realizes the Bani of the Guru's Word within his soul. ||1||Pause||
jo ies gurbwxI nUM idloN AnuBv krdw hY aus dy ihrdy AMdr suAwmI dw nwm vs jWdw hY[ Tihrwau[
chu jugw kw huix inbyVw nr mnuKw no eyku inDwnw ]
Now, this is the essence of the teachings of the four ages: for the human race, the Name of the One Lord is the greatest treasure.
hux cwrW hI Xu`gW dy qjrby dw swr q`q ieh hY ik ienswn jwqI leI kyvl iek pRBU dw nwm hI brkqW dw Kjwnw hY[
jqu sMjm qIrQ Enw jugw kw Drmu hY kil mih kIriq hir nwmw ]2]
Celibacy, self-discipline and pilgrimages were the essence of Dharma in those past ages; but in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Praise of the Lord's Name is the essence of Dharma. ||2||
pwk dwmnI, svY-zbq Aqy Drm-AsQwnW dI XwqRw aunHW Xu`gW dw eImwn hY[ klXug AMdr kyvl iek pRBU dy nwm dI mihmw hI s`cw su`cw krm hY[
juig juig Awpo Awpxw Drmu hY soiD dyKhu byd purwnw ]
Each and every age has its own essence of Dharma; study the Vedas and the Puraanas, and see this as true.
hr iek Xu`g dw Awpxw in`j dw eImwn hY[ qUM vydW Aqy purwxW nUM inrxX kr ky vyK lY[
gurmuiK ijnI iDAwieAw hir hir jig qy pUry prvwnw ]3]
They are Gurmukh, who meditate on the Lord, Har, Har; in this world, they are perfect and approved. ||3||
ies sMswr dy iv`c pUrn Aqy prvwixq kyvl auh hn, jo gurW dy rwhIN suAwmI vwihgurU dw ismrn krdy hn[
khq nwnku scy isau pRIiq lwey cUkY min AiBmwnw ]
Says Nanak, loving the True Lord, the mind's egotism and self-conceit is eradicated.
gurU jI PurmwauNdy hn, s`cy suAwmI nwl pRym pwaux duAwrw ic`q dw hMkwr nivrq ho jWdw hY[
khq suxq sBy suK pwvih mwnq pwih inDwnw ]4]4]
Those who speak and listen to the Lord's Name, all find peace. Those who believe in it, obtain the supreme treasure. ||4||4||
jo nwm nUM aucwrdy Aqy suxdy hn, auh Awrwm pwauNdy hn Aqy jo ies iv`c inscw Dwrn krdy hn auh smUh Kjwny nUM pRwpq kr lYNdy hn[