Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
mÚ 3
AMg: 601

soriT mhlw 3 ]
Sorat'h, Third Mehl:
soriT qIjI pwiqSwhI[
so isKu sKw bMDpu hY BweI ij gur ky Bwxy ivic AwvY ]
He alone is a Sikh, a friend, a relative and a sibling, who walks in the Way of the Guru's Will.
kyvl EhI s`cw murId, im`qR, snbMDI Aqy Brw hY, ijhVw gurW dI rzw AMdr qurdw hY[
AwpxY BwxY jo clY BweI ivCuiV cotw KwvY ]
One who walks according to his own will, O Siblings of Destiny, suffers separation from the Lord, and shall be punished.
ijhVw AwpxI in`j dI mrjI Anuswr turdw hY, hy Brw auh suAwmI nwloN v`Krw ho jWdw qy s`tW shwrdw hY[
ibnu siqgur suKu kdy n pwvY BweI iPir iPir pCoqwvY ]1]
Without the True Guru, peace is never obtained, O Siblings of Destiny; again and again, he regrets and repents. ||1||
s`cy gurW dy bwJoN aus nUM kdwicq Awrwm pRwpq nhIN huMdw Aqy auh muV muV ky pscwqwp krdw hY, hy vIr!
hir ky dws suhyly BweI ]
The Lord's slaves are happy, O Siblings of Destiny.
KuS pRsMn hn vwihgurU dy syvk, hy vIr!
jnm jnm ky iklibK duK kwty Awpy myil imlweI ] rhwau ]
The sins and sorrows of countless lifetimes are eradicated; the Lord Himself unites them in His Union. ||Pause||
aunHW dy AnykW jnmW dy pwp qy du`KVy sweIN myt idMdw hY Aqy aunHW nUM Awpxy imlwp AMdr imlw lYNdw hY[ Tihrwau[
iehu kutMbu sBu jIA ky bMDn BweI Brim Bulw sYNswrw ]
All of these relatives are like chains upon the soul, O Siblings of Destiny; the world is deluded by doubt.
ieh swry snbMDI Awqmw leI jMjIrW dI mwnMd hn, hy vIr! dunIAW vihm AMdr kurwhy peI hoeI hY[
ibnu gur bMDn tUtih nwhI gurmuiK moK duAwrw ]
Without the Guru, the chains cannot be broken; the Gurmukhs find the door of salvation.
gurW dy bgYr jUV v`Fy nhIN jWdy[ gurW dy rwhIN kilAwx, dw dr pRwpq ho jWdw hY[
krm krih gur sbdu n pCwxih mir jnmih vwro vwrw ]2]
One who performs rituals without realizing the Word of the Guru's Shabad, shall die and be reborn, again and again. ||2||
jo krm-kWf krdw hY Aqy gurW dI klwm nUM nhIN jwxdw, auh muV muV ky mrdw jMmdw rihMdw hY[
hau myrw jgu plic rihAw BweI koie n iks hI kyrw ]
The world is entangled in egotism and possessiveness, O Siblings of Destiny, but no one belongs to anyone else.
KudI Aqy Apx`q AMdr sMswr auliJAw hoieAw hY[ pRMqU koeI BI iksy dw nhIN, hy vIr!
gurmuiK mhlu pwiein gux gwvin inj Gir hoie bsyrw ]
The Gurmukhs attain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, singing the Glories of the Lord; they dwell in the home of their own inner being.
nyk purS hrI dw j`s gwauNdy hn, aus dI hzUrI nUM pRwpq huMdy hn Aqy Awpxy in`j Dwm iv`c itkwxw pwauNdy hn[
AYQY bUJY su Awpu pCwxY hir pRBu hY iqsu kyrw ]3]
One who understands here, realizes himself; the Lord God belongs to him. ||3||
jo eyQy Awpxy Awp nUM suDwr lYNdw hY auh Awpxy Awp nUM jwx lYNdw hY, qy suAwmI mwlk aus dw ho jWdw hY[
siqgurU sdw dieAwlu hY BweI ivxu Bwgw ikAw pweIAY ]
The True Guru is forever merciful, O Siblings of Destiny; without good destiny, what can anyone obtain?
s`cy gurU jI hmySW hI imhrbwn hn, hy BrwvW! pr pRwlBD dy bwJoN pRwxI kI pRwpq kr skdw hY?
eyk ndir kir vyKY sB aUpir jyhw Bwau qyhw Plu pweIAY ]
He looks alike upon all with His Glance of Grace, but people receive the fruits of their rewards according to their love for the Lord.
auh swirAW auqy ieko ijhI rihmq dI A`K nwl vyKdw hY, pr jyho ijhw bMdy dw aus leI pRym hY, auho jyhw Pl hI aus nUM pRwpq huMdw hY[
nwnk nwmu vsY mn AMqir ivchu Awpu gvweIAY ]4]6]
O Nanak, when the Naam, the Name of the Lord, comes to dwell within the mind, then self-conceit is eradicated from within. ||4||6||
nwnk jd bMdy dy ic`q iv`c nwm itk jWdw hY qd aus dy AMdroN aus dI svY-hMgqw dUr ho jWdI hY[