gauVI mhlw 1 ]
Gauree, First Mehl:
gaUVI pwqSwhI pihlI[
gur prswdI bUiJ ly qau hoie inbyrw ]
By Guru's Grace, one comes to understand, and then, the account is settled.
jykr gurW dI dieAw duAwrw, ienswn swihb nUM smJ lvy qW aus dw ihswb-ikqwb bybwk ho jWdw hY[
Gir Gir nwmu inrMjnw so Twkuru myrw ]1]
In each and every heart is the Name of the Immaculate Lord; He is my Lord and Master. ||1||
ijs dw nwm piv`qR purS hY Aqy jo hir idl AMdr smw irhw hY, auh myrw mwlk hY[
ibnu gur sbd n CUtIAY dyKhu vIcwrw ]
Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, no one is emancipated. See this, and reflect upon it.
gurW dy aupdyS dy bZYr bMdy dI KlwsI nhIN huMdI[ ies nUM soc smJ ky vyK lau[
jy lK krm kmwvhI ibnu gur AMiDAwrw ]1] rhwau ]
Even though you may perform hundreds of thousands of rituals, without the Guru, there is only darkness. ||1||Pause||
BwvyN AwdmI l`KW hI krmkWf ipAw kmwvy, pr gurW dy bZYr sB hnHyrw hI hY[ Tihrwau[
AMDy AklI bwhry ikAw iqn isau khIAY ]
What can you say, to one who is blind and without wisdom?
AwpW aunHW nUM kI AwKIey ijhVy AMnHy Aqy isAwxp qoN s`Kxy hn?
ibnu gur pMQu n sUJeI ikqu ibiD inrbhIAY ]2]
Without the Guru, the Path cannot be seen. How can anyone proceed? ||2||
gurW dy bwJoN rsqw idKweI nhIN idMdw qd AwdmI dw iks qrHW guzwrw c`ly?
Koty kau Krw khY Kry swr n jwxY ]
He calls the counterfeit genuine, and does not know the value of the genuine.
jwhlI nUM AwdmI AslI AwKdw hY Aqy AslI dI auh kdr hI nhIN pCwxdw[
AMDy kw nwau pwrKU klI kwl ivfwxY ]3]
The blind man is known as an appraiser; this Dark Age of Kali Yuga is so strange! ||3||
AMnHy mnu`K dw nwm jWc pVqwl krn vwlw hY[ Ascrj hY ieh kljug dw smW[
sUqy kau jwgqu khY jwgq kau sUqw ]
The sleeper is said to be awake, and those who are awake are like sleepers.
su`qy hoey nUM jwgdw AwKdw hY Aqy jwgdy nUM su`qw ipAw kihMdw hY[
jIvq kau mUAw khY mUey nhI roqw ]4]
The living are said to be dead, and no one mourns for those who have died. ||4||
ieh jIauNdy hoey nUM murdw AwKdw hY, Aqy dr Asl mirAw hoieAw leI ivrlwp nhIN krdw[
Awvq kau jwqw khY jwqy kau AwieAw ]
One who is coming is said to be going, and one who is gone is said to have come.
jo Aw irhw hY auh AwKdw hY jw irhw hY, Aqy jo igAw hoieAw hY aus nUM AwieAw kihMdw hY[
pr kI kau ApunI khY Apuno nhI BwieAw ]5]
That which belongs to others, he calls his own, but he has no liking for that which is his. ||5||
AwdmI prweI mlkIAq nUM AwpxI in`j dI AwKdw hY Aqy AwpxI in`j dI nUM psMd nhIN rKdw[
mITy kau kauVw khY kVUey kau mITw ]
That which is sweet is said to be bitter, and the bitter is said to be sweet.
jo im`Tw hY aus nUM auh koVw AwKdw hY Aqy kOVy nUM auh im`Tw dsdw hY[
rwqy kI inMdw krih AYsw kil mih fITw ]6]
One who is imbued with the Lord's Love is slandered - his is what I have seen in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||6||
pRBU dI pRIq nwl rMgy hoey dI auh bdKohI krdw hY[ ieho ijhw vrqwrw mYN kljug iv`c vyiKAw hY[
cyrI kI syvw krih Twkuru nhI dIsY ]
He serves the maid, and does not see his Lord and Master.
ienswn nOkrwxI dI tihl kmwauNdw hY pRMqU mwlk nUM auh vyKdw hI nhIN[
poKru nIru ivrolIAY mwKnu nhI rIsY ]7]
Churning the water in the pond, no butter is produced. ||7||
C`pV dw pwxI irVkx duAwrw m`Kx nhIN inkldw[
iesu pd jo ArQwie lyie so gurU hmwrw ]
One who understands the meaning of this verse is my Guru.
jo ies AvsQw dy ArQ smJdw hY, auh myrw ausqwd hY[
nwnk cInY Awp kau so Apr Apwrw ]8]
O Nanak, one who knows his own self, is infinite and incomparable. ||8||
jo Awpxy Awp nUM jwxdw hY, hY nwnk! auh byAMq Aqy lwswnI hY[
sBu Awpy Awip vrqdw Awpy BrmwieAw ]
He Himself is All-pervading; He Himself misleads the people.
^ud-b-^ud hI swihb swry ivAwpk ho irhw hY qy auh ^ud hI pRwxIAW nUM kurwhy BtkwauNdw hY[
gur ikrpw qy bUJIAY sBu bRhmu smwieAw ]9]2]18]
By Guru's Grace, one comes to understand, that God is contained in all. ||9||2||18||
gurW dI dieAw rwhIN, ienswn iv`c smJdw hY ik swirAW AMdr suAwmI rimAw hoieAw hY[